Chaffelson / nipyapi

A convenient Python wrapper for Apache NiFi
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Cannot connect with TLS secured NiFi 2.x using and Python 3.12 #370

Open ChrisSamo632 opened 1 month ago

ChrisSamo632 commented 1 month ago


Connections to TLS-secured (with custom certificates) NiFi fails after setting - trying to get the service status times out (with bool_response=True) or fairly quickly with a urllib3 error if bool_response=False:

Cannot create a client socket with a PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER context

From a quick look online, it seems there have been changes to the urllib3 / ssl library setup through recent versions of Python, which is possibly causing the problem:

This worked for me when creating an ssl_context manually with Purpose.SERVER_AUTH instead of the Purpose.CLIENT_AUTH that NiPyApi uses when a cert/key are specified in the call.

What I Did

To fix/workaround, I am instead:

        ssl_context: SSLContext = create_default_context(Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)
        ssl_context.check_hostname = True
        nipyapi.config.nifi_config.ssl_context = ssl_context

        nipyapi_config.verify_ssl = True

I assume it would be the same for NiFi Registry, although I haven't tested because I've been able to do everything I needed with NiFi Toolkit instead of NiPyApi.

Additional Note

If running NiFi with the "Single User" setup, and not having cert/key files available (they could probably be extracted from the auto-generated Keystore & Truststore, but I haven't), I've instead setup an unverified SSL Context:

        nipyapi.config.nifi_config.ssl_context = ssl._create_unverified_context()
        nipyapi_config.verify_ssl = False


Not urgent as I figured out a workaround.

A suggested approach might be to allow users to specify the Purpose for the SSL Context through the NiPyApi function - this would allow users to be more explicit for their version of Python (if such a background change is in fact what's caught me out here)

Chaffelson commented 1 month ago

Thanks for this detailed write up @ChrisSamo632 I think this highlights a missing set of tests in NiPy, as the current 'secure' test is really TLS/LDAP (a common requirement), but I think we should also be testing mTLS. I will make a note to implement a docker test setup for mTLS and try to cover this case.