ChainMovers / suibase

Sui development environment and cookbook.
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Add Maturin UniFFI Bindings to Suibase #27

Closed mario4tier closed 1 year ago

mario4tier commented 1 year ago

Proposing the UX to be:

Took the idea from ( )

This method keeps the python package in-sync with the local suibase version.

mario4tier commented 1 year ago

The script basically do in the pip environment:

cd ~/suibase/rust/helper-uniffi
pip install maturin
maturin develop                   <-- This build + install/update the suibase python helper
mario4tier commented 1 year ago

commit 8568174b4f17295bda43e0e5381e7e59902b2d3f match the UniFFI strategy to favor portability/safety over performance.

In Rust terms: interior mutability achieve with Arc/Mutex to remain Sync+Send.

The API is now validated (at compile time) by the suibase.udl (a WebIDL-like language).


mario4tier commented 1 year ago

This is now fully working. The documentation is still lacking though.

This is a demo after doing '~/suibase/pip-install':

(env) ~/suibase/rust/helper-uniffi$ python3
Python 3.10.6 (main, Mar 10 2023, 10:55:28) [GCC 11.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import suibase;
>>> helper=suibase.Helper();
>>> helper.is_installed()
>>> helper.select_workdir("active")
>>> helper.workdir()
>>> helper.client_address("active")
>>> helper.rpc_url()
>>> helper.ws_url()
>>> helper.package_id("demo")
>>> helper.published_new_objects("demo::Counter::Counter")