ChainMovers / suibase

Sui development environment and cookbook.
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localnet start gives "sui process not responding" #83

Closed georgescharlesbrain closed 6 months ago

georgescharlesbrain commented 8 months ago
(base) ➜  move git:(main) localnet start 
Starting localnet process
..............................(may take some time on slower system).....................
Sui process not responding. Try again? (may be the host is too slow?).

Will check if I get a localnet running using the suidocs.
Its not that I changed my laptop.

FrankC01 commented 8 months ago

For the short fix, find the sui-deamon PID and kill it. Then do localnet start again...

mario4tier commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the info.

I was not able to reproduce that problem on my macOS on Intel ( Ventura 13.5.2 ).

Is it happening all the time?

If you get a chance, please check or attach ~/suibase/workdirs/common/logs/suibase-daemon.log

Looking in particular for panics messages (the daemon silently auto-restart in some scenario, and even auto-restart its inner threads on most panics).

georgescharlesbrain commented 8 months ago

I didn't find the attach file option, so I pasted it below.

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::clock_trigger] started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::network_monitor] started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::api::api_server] APIServer started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::api::api_server] JSONRPCServer server started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watching /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watching /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watching /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watching /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watching /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watching /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] watcher PollWatcher { watches: Mutex { data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state/user_request": PathData { mtime: 1695575349, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953284218 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state/links": PathData { mtime: 1693753476, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953284218 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state/dns": PathData { mtime: 1688033353, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953284218 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state/precompiled": PathData { mtime: 1695575349, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953284218 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state": PathData { mtime: 1695575349, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953284218 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state/name": PathData { mtime: 1688031911, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953284218 } }} }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state": PathData { mtime: 1693231114, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953527786 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/dns": PathData { mtime: 1688060014, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953527786 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/user_request": PathData { mtime: 1693232634, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953527786 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/name": PathData { mtime: 1688056047, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953527786 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/links": PathData { mtime: 1693231114, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953527786 } }} }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/workdir-exec": PathData { mtime: 1688056047, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state": PathData { mtime: 1693231114, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/sui-repo": PathData { mtime: 1693231234, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/config": PathData { mtime: 1693232634, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml": PathData { mtime: 1693435540, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/logs": PathData { mtime: 1688056047, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/config-default": PathData { mtime: 1693232634, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet": PathData { mtime: 1688062341, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/sui-repo-default": PathData { mtime: 1693231234, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/published-data": PathData { mtime: 1688062341, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/sui-exec": PathData { mtime: 1688056047, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953373981 } }} }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet": PathData { mtime: 1688062341, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet": PathData { mtime: 1695575138, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet": PathData { mtime: 1697369882, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/common": PathData { mtime: 1693212425, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/cargobin": PathData { mtime: 1688026872, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs": PathData { mtime: 1693211858, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/active": PathData { mtime: 1697369882, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 952711580 } }} }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet": PathData { mtime: 1697369882, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/workdir-exec": PathData { mtime: 1688027750, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/sui-repo": PathData { mtime: 1697369880, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/logs": PathData { mtime: 1688027750, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/config-default": PathData { mtime: 1697369881, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/faucet": PathData { mtime: 1697369882, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/sui-repo-default": PathData { mtime: 1697369880, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state": PathData { mtime: 1695285948, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/config": PathData { mtime: 1697369881, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.cache": PathData { mtime: 1694709357, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/suibase.yaml": PathData { mtime: 1695285629, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/genesis-data": PathData { mtime: 1697369881, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/sui-exec": PathData { mtime: 1688027750, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953591056 } }} }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request": PathData { mtime: 1697369882, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953740739 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/links": PathData { mtime: 1695285773, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953740739 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state": PathData { mtime: 1695285948, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953740739 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/name": PathData { mtime: 1688027750, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953740739 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/precompiled": PathData { mtime: 1697369881, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953740739 } }} }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet": WatchData { root: "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet", is_recursive: false, all_path_data: {"/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.state": PathData { mtime: 1695575349, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/sui-repo": PathData { mtime: 1695575348, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/published-data": PathData { mtime: 1688046358, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/sui-exec": PathData { mtime: 1688031911, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/logs": PathData { mtime: 1688031911, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/workdir-exec": PathData { mtime: 1688031911, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/.cache": PathData { mtime: 1695575140, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/config-default": PathData { mtime: 1693754216, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/config": PathData { mtime: 1693754216, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/sui-repo-default": PathData { mtime: 1695575348, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet/suibase.yaml": PathData { mtime: 1693753446, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }, "/home/koen/suibase/workdirs/testnet": PathData { mtime: 1695575138, hash: None, last_check: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953125476 } }} }}, poisoned: false, .. }, data_builder: Mutex { data: DataBuilder { build_hasher: None, now: Instant { tv_sec: 1527, tv_nsec: 953740739 } }, poisoned: false, .. }, want_to_stop: false, delay: 15s }

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif testnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif devnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif localnet

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::request_worker] started

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::proxy_server] listening on

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::proxy_server] listening on

[2023-10-15T11:38:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::proxy_server] listening on

[2023-10-15T11:38:03Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-15T11:38:17Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-15T11:39:45Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-15T11:39:45Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif localnet

[2023-10-15T11:39:47Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-15T11:39:49Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-15T11:39:49Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif localnet

[2023-10-15T11:40:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-15T11:40:57Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-15T11:40:57Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif localnet

[2023-10-15T11:41:02Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-17T19:17:03Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-17T19:17:03Z INFO suibase_daemon::admin_controller] cfg notif localnet

[2023-10-17T19:17:04Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-17T19:18:45Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-17T19:19:28Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-17T19:19:33Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-17T19:19:34Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-17T19:21:17Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-17T19:21:19Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-17T19:28:49Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-17T19:47:34Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-17T20:28:54Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:19:44Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:21:32Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 2/100

[2023-10-18T07:21:37Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T07:21:42Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 2/100

[2023-10-18T07:21:48Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T07:21:55Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 2/100

[2023-10-18T07:22:08Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-18T07:22:11Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T07:23:08Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:23:11Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T07:23:22Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:23:46Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T07:23:52Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:26:53Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-18T07:29:26Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T07:54:53Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-18T07:55:57Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:56:05Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:56:08Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-18T07:56:47Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:56:53Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-18T07:56:53Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-18T07:56:53Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T07:58:53Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-18T07:59:49Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T08:01:59Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T13:50:55Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-18T13:51:18Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T13:51:25Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-18T13:52:29Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T14:00:50Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-18T14:46:46Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-18T14:46:55Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-19T09:45:08Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-19T09:45:17Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/localnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-21T08:02:37Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-21T08:03:21Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-21T08:03:28Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/suibase.yaml

[2023-10-21T08:03:35Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-21T08:03:39Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-21T08:03:43Z INFO suibase_daemon::workdirs_watcher] Sending notif /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/devnet/.state/user_request

[2023-10-21T08:04:02Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-21T08:06:55Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

[2023-10-21T08:07:00Z INFO jsonrpsee_server::server] Accepting new connection 1/100

[2023-10-21T08:12:13Z WARN jsonrpsee_server::server] HTTP serve connection failed hyper::Error(IncompleteMessage)

georgescharlesbrain commented 8 months ago

Just now: works and then doesn't work:

(base) ➜ suibase git:(main) localnet start Starting localnet faucet . faucet started (process pid 1577700) Switching sui client env from [localnet] to [localnet_proxy] [localnet_proxy] added to client.yaml (base) ➜ suibase git:(main) localnet stop Switching sui client env from [localnet_proxy] to [localnet] Stopping faucet (process pid 1577700) Stopping localnet (process pid 1105175) localnet now stopped (base) ➜ suibase git:(main) localnet start Starting localnet process ..............................(may take some time on slower system)........................ Sui process not responding. Try again? (may be the host is too slow?).

Is there a time that I have to wait between calls?  
Should "localnet status" give a response when localnet is stopped?

If I wait 10s after a stop, I can start again.
localnet status when net is started --> no output

What is this PID running since okt15?
koen       15606  0.0  0.0   8792  1408 ?        S    okt15   0:00 flock -xn /tmp/.suibase/suibase-daemon.lock /b
koen       15668  0.0  0.0 776004 10896 ?        Sl   okt15   3:22 /home/koen/suibase/workdirs/common/bin/suibase

ok, killed 15606, seems to have fixed the issue. Everything is working now
mario4tier commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the info here and in #82.

Trying hard to make it reliable... so any input is greatly appreciated.

Now that it is working, I am wondering if this is because the suibase-daemon is not running anymore on your setup. In other word, did you keep the proxy disabled?

One sure way to verify if suibase-daemon is running is "lsof":

~$ lsof /tmp/.suibase/suibase-daemon.lock 
flock     912946 ----    3rW  REG  253,0        0 11666819 /tmp/.suibase/suibase-daemon.lock
sh        913015 ----    3r   REG  253,0        0 11666819 /tmp/.suibase/suibase-daemon.lock
suibase-d 913016 ----    3r   REG  253,0        0 11666819 /tmp/.suibase/suibase-daemon.lock

If you see "suibase-d"... then it is running.


suibase-daemon is the "proxy-server", but as we move forward, the daemon will handle more services (network health monitoring, a lightweight indexer to monitor what was just publish on localnet etc...)

I am hoping that we can get it back up on your setup.


Details about these multiple PID This is additional FYI, you do not have to read all of it...

When suibase-daemon crash/panic or a Ctrl-C is received, its parent "sh" process is responsible to restart it (after a few seconds). Furthermore, to make sure there is never two suibase-daemon running at same time, the "sh" has a parent process that does nothing more than holding a file lock (flock).

That is what you see with "lsof" which shows that the same lock is hold for these 3 related processes.

This is a trick that is common, not something I came up with.

Related code: ~/suibase/scripts/common/

mario4tier commented 6 months ago

The root cause was not found.

May be this got incidentally "resolved" because of more consistency of the Sui binaries built for all users: (1) For most setup, the official Mysten Labs Sui binaries are automatically installed. (2) When Suibase fallback to cargo build, "--locked" is specified.