ChainSafe / metamask-snap-polkadot

Metamask plugin for interacting with Polkadot dapps and other Substrate based chains.
Apache License 2.0
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Snap Should Support More Networks and/or Allow Users to Provide Network Details #138

Open danforbes opened 1 year ago

danforbes commented 1 year ago

Currently, only the Westend and Kusama Networks are supported. If possible, the Snap should support a larger list of networks, such as those supported by the Polkadot-JS Apps UI. It's possible to determine the address prefix of a FRAME-based network at runtime by querying the system.ss58Prefix constant storage item. It would also be nice if users could provide their own network details, which is another feature provided by the Polkadot-JS Apps UI. image

danforbes commented 1 year ago

@mpetrunic @BeroBurny @irubido - as we discussed, there is a lot of information that can be determined by querying the chain to inspect details such as the runtime metadata or even individual storage items, such as the system.ss58Prefix mentioned above. It would be cool to demonstrate a UI that allows the user to enter the WebSocket URL, and then the UI can query the chain to determine the details mentioned by Marin in a comment on a related PR and auto-populate those details for the user - this is also a good way to make sure that the WebSocket URL that the user entered actually worked. I also think we should consider providing built-in support for as many networks as possible, such as those mentioned in the ss58 registry as well as the well-known endpoints that are maintained by Polkadot-JS Apps UI.

semuelle commented 3 months ago

Even though this issue is already quite old, I still want to express that we would be quite interested in the snap moving in this direction. It's unlikely for a wallet to gain any traction in the ecosystem if it only supports the relay chains.