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chainlit send message not being called in async setup #466

Open poojitharamachandra opened 9 months ago

poojitharamachandra commented 9 months ago


i have a code something like this:

@cl.on_message async def run(input_str): ........................... ............................... await play_answer(res['result'])

await cl.Message(content=fnl_ans).send()

but only play_answer is getting executed, but i dont see the fnl_ans on the chainlit UI. the execution of the whole code is also blocked

willydouhard commented 9 months ago

What does the play_answer function look like? Hard to debug without the code.

poojitharamachandra commented 9 months ago

import pygame async def play_soundfile():


# Initialize the mixer module for audio playback

# Load the audio file

# Play the audio

# Wait for the audio to finish playing (optional)

# Release the audio resources
willydouhard commented 9 months ago

Can you try to wrap the function call like this await cl.make_async(play_answer)(res['result'])?

poojitharamachandra commented 9 months ago

if i wrap the function, the soundclip is not being played and i get the following error :

RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'play_answer' was never awaited RuntimeWarning: Enable tracemalloc to get the object allocation traceback

willydouhard commented 9 months ago

is the play_answer function marked as async? If that is the case are you doing any await in it?

poojitharamachandra commented 9 months ago

async def play_answer(text): await play_soundfile()