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TaskList opens and closes erratically after v1.0.0 #667

Closed PyroGenesis closed 8 months ago

PyroGenesis commented 8 months ago

I have been using TaskList in Chainlit v0.7.700 for a while and everything seemed to work fine. However, after upgrading to 1.0.0 (or 1.0.101), the TaskList seems to collapse in the middle of the flow erratically.

0.7.700 behavior

TaskList would open once (when task_list.send() is called) and then would stay open for the rest of the execution as intended.

1.0.0 behavior

Before TaskList opens, a "Loading..." label pops up on the right side. TaskList doesn't stay on the screen after it's loaded, frequently collapsing into the "Loading..." state, pushing the actual chat back and forth.

willydouhard commented 8 months ago

Can you provide a snippet of code to reproduce?

PyroGenesis commented 8 months ago

I've attached some videos of the right edge of my screen here to demonstrate what I'm seeing. This is the same code running on 0.7.700 and 1.0.101.

0.7.700 behavior

1.0.101 behavior

PyroGenesis commented 8 months ago

Since I cannot share my actual code, I wrote some code that hopefully reproduces the issue for you:

import chainlit as cl
import time

INITIAL_MSG = """Demo for TaskList issue #667"""

async def on_chat_start():
    await cl.Message(content=INITIAL_MSG,

async def run_conversation(message: cl.Message):
    # Create the TaskList
    task_list = cl.TaskList()
    task_list.status = "Running..."

    # Agent 1 task
    initial_task = cl.Task("Processing query...", cl.TaskStatus.RUNNING)
    await task_list.add_task(initial_task)
    await task_list.send()
    # Agent 1 msg
    agent_1_msg = cl.Message(content="", author="Agent 1")
    await agent_1_msg.send()
    await cl.sleep(0)   # to show the loader

    # simulate async operation
    await cl.sleep(2)
    # update the first task
    initial_task.status = cl.TaskStatus.DONE
    await task_list.send()

    # update Agent 1 msg
    agent_1_msg.content = "Agent 1 is done"
    await agent_1_msg.update()

    # now add more tasks
    new_tasks: list[cl.Task] = []
    for task_label in ['Processing results...', 'Extracting information...']:
        t = cl.Task(task_label, cl.TaskStatus.READY)
        await task_list.add_task(t)

    # simulate running each task
    for i, task in enumerate(new_tasks):
        # update task
        task.status = cl.TaskStatus.RUNNING
        await task_list.send()

        # set a loading message
        agent_msg = cl.Message(content="", author=f'Agent {i+2}')
        await agent_msg.send()
        await cl.sleep(0)

        if i == 0:
            # simulate streaming
            dummy_text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ' * 5
            await agent_msg.remove()
            msg = cl.Message(author='Agent 2', content="")
            for token in dummy_text.split(' '):
                await msg.stream_token(token + ' ')
                await cl.sleep(0.3)
            await msg.send()

        elif i == 1:
            # simulate async
            await cl.sleep(2)
            # simulate sync

            # update msg
            agent_msg.content = f'Ran Agent 3'
            await agent_msg.update()

        # update task
        task.status = cl.TaskStatus.DONE
        await task_list.send()

    # update task list finally
    task_list.status = "Done"
    await task_list.send()
willydouhard commented 8 months ago

Thank you for the details, will try to reproduce!