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Extend CoPilot example #113

Closed tituslhy closed 2 months ago

tituslhy commented 2 months ago


I'm building a ReAct agent on top of Chainlit CoPilot which will be mounted on a HTML file. I'm able to code the invoking of the agent and streaming of response in Chainlit using Python, but the Chainlit CoPilot requires a callback function within JavaScript event listener.

I'm thinking of deploying my LLM agent as a FastAPI returning a StreamingResponse that will be called by the callback function in the index.html file. How do I adapt the callback function accordingly to stream the response in the CoPilot? Do you have a simple example of streaming a simple reply via an API call?

Much appreciated!

Sample codes:

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse
import time

app = FastAPI()

                   allow_credentials = True,

async def fake_video_streamer():
    string = "some fake video bytes"
    for word in string.split():
        yield word

async def main():
    return StreamingResponse(fake_video_streamer(),

And here's the HTML file:

    <script src="http://localhost:8000/copilot/index.js"></script>

        chainlitServer: "http://localhost:8000",
        window.addEventListener("chainlit-call-fn", (e) => {
            const { name, args, callback } = e.detail;
            if (name === "test") {

              callback("You sent: " + args.msg); //send the results in this callback function <- How do I edit this callback function to stream completion?
willydouhard commented 2 months ago

I am not sure why you want to have another fast API server and use http requests. I would just use the Chainlit abstraction for function calling. If you need to expose something as an API, you can use custom API endpoints.

tituslhy commented 2 months ago

Sorry I think I'm just not very good at JavaScript. Maybe just to be more specific, how do I edit this line of code to send the query to the chainlit server? Or does the callback() function already handle that?

window.addEventListener("chainlit-call-fn", (e) => {
  const { name, args, callback } = e.detail;
  if (name === "test") {
    console.log(name, args);
    callback("You sent: " + args.msg);

And, can I check if I edited the on_message function correctly to incorporate the CoPilot's response? Also, though I used agent.stream_chat (I'm using llamaindex), I'm not sure if I need to edit the CoPilotFunction segment of the code to stream the response? The code works fine when I take away the CoPilot function segment and run it just like I would in a normal Chainlit web application.

async def on_message(message: cl.Message):
    agent = cl.user_session.get("agent")
    response_message = await cl.Message(content="").send()
    cl.user_session.set("response_message", response_message)
    response = await cl.make_async(agent.stream_chat)(message.content)
    if cl.context.session.client_type == "copilot":
        fn = cl.CopilotFunction(name="test", args={"msg": response.content}) 
        res = await fn.acall()
        await cl.Message(content=res).send()
tituslhy commented 2 months ago

Sorry just to update that I've figured it out! Minimum working sample!

@willydouhard sorry for the confusion and thanks for helping!

async def on_message(msg: cl.Message):
    llm = cl.user_session.get("llm")

    if cl.context.session.client_type == "copilot":
        response_message = await cl.Message("").send()
        response = await cl.make_async(llm.stream_complete)(msg.content)
        for chunk in response:
            await response_message.stream_token(
        await response_message.update()
        fn = cl.CopilotFunction(name="test", args = {"msg": msg.content, "response": str(response_message)})
        res = await fn.acall()