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Elements: Not showing as docs describe it #82

Closed bachi76 closed 7 months ago

bachi76 commented 7 months ago

I couldn't make the text (and image) elements to display as is described in the docs on /api-reference/elements/text

The only way that seems to work is with message context and display = "inline". All the other described versions (outside of message context, and other display types, didn't show the elements at all. What am I doing wrong? Or is the doc outdated?

Being able to display text or image permanently, out of a message context, would be extremely helpful.


willydouhard commented 7 months ago

To display an element permanently, display="inline" is the right way. If you want do use display="side", the name of the element has to be referenced in the content of the message. That name will become an hyperlink opening the sidebar.

bachi76 commented 7 months ago

Ah, thanks a lot @willydouhard - works beautifully now.

One more question: How can I update the content of an existing text? I tried to send it again with new text, but that didn't work. Use case: I imagine a text doc in the side bar that the bot and human work on and thus is changing permanently.

And a suggestion: A parameter to show the side bar immediately (not via link) would be great.

Edit: Update via .remove() and .send() works.

willydouhard commented 7 months ago

Yes, remove and send is the way. For the auto open in the side bar this will come!