ChainsDD / Superuser

Android superuser permissions app (from Zinx)
567 stars 362 forks source link

please fix chinese %s bug #44

Closed dove0rz closed 12 years ago

dove0rz commented 12 years ago

in res/values-zh-rTW/strings.xml

please change the following % to %, these % are all in 2 bytes, change them to 1 byte.

  <string name="log_count">顯示%d個項目</string>
  <string name="notification_text_allow">%s 已被授予超級用戶權限</string>
  <string name="notification_text_deny">%s 已被拒絕超級用戶權限</string>

(% = 2 bytes, % = 1 byte)

dove0rz commented 12 years ago

the same issue (#41)