Open t-ueno-ruby opened 8 months ago
Please let me know if you have any. The way you want to customize it is as follows. If you cannot set it, please let me know if you have any plans to add it as a feature in the future.
Actual display
🧾 - file: XxxPage.tsx:159 - data: {data: Array(5), meta: {…}}
Expected display
🧾 data - XxxPage.tsx:159: {data: Array(2), meta: {…}}
My current setting is here.
"terminal.integrated.copyOnSelection": true, "turboConsoleLog.addSemicolonInTheEnd": true, "turboConsoleLog.delimiterInsideMessage": " ", "turboConsoleLog.logMessagePrefix": "🧾", "turboConsoleLog.quote": "'", "turboConsoleLog.includeFileNameAndLineNum": true,
Thank you.
Following. I'm curious to know if we can add variables, such as ${LlineNumber} in a prefix message ourselves, in the settings.json file for instance.
Please let me know if you have any. The way you want to customize it is as follows. If you cannot set it, please let me know if you have any plans to add it as a feature in the future.
Actual display
Expected display
My current setting is here.
Thank you.