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[Redledcat] This issue captured to post and contain in one place all my schizophrenic suggestions. #1093

Open redledcat opened 5 years ago

redledcat commented 5 years ago

It's really comfortable for me to post it here and appeal to this page. It does not matter for me if they will be added or not be added at all, I just love to make opinions

1. 1)Make keys and glyph books tradeable If you aren't going to make them tradeable, at least make them visible in web inventory please? Full list: all kinds of glyph books, red, green and blue potions, keys, non-immortal weapons which are missing image. 2)Add required lvl filter for search filters DONE! 3)Let weapons search for rune match even in ANY rune slot, there is no matter for me if I want Q3 R3 weapon or R3 Q3, but market needs 2 different search filters to cover both variants. ACTUALLY it will be pretty good for any item from my experience 4)Add arcana tab on to search among arcana pool, and not by respective slot 5)Add cross-links on each Champion page, i.e. should have buttons to check and If you need any simple help to match hero and his arcana links, I can help with it. I guess now each arcana item should have link backwards, to its respective hero, by putting images-links at the bottom 6)Many russian players actually can't read English well despite it's part of general education. Well, no time to blame a system, I can translate buttons, tabs and Web Premium page, if you make some sort of language selector. 7)Add direct trades between two players. If I want to gift or sell something for lower price to help new guy, it can be bought out with bot or possibly other player. Some sort of direct ID + price + item auction can solve it. 8)Split web premium mail and standart mail, so if web premium expires you won't stay with 100 mail in your box before you can set anything on auction or bid. The only two solutions are now to buy another web premium from web premium page or unload all your mail in game, buy web premium from market and load everything you got out of stash back. If we get splitted web premium mail, all mail and won auctions will go to it during web premium duration as priority, filling 90 mail. Once it's fills or web premium expires, it starts to fill normal 10 mail space. Give them color marks to differ them. With there rules, it's possible to retrieve mail from normal mail filled and make a bid or buyout while having 99 mail total (90 web + 9), and not just 9. 9)Add at least 2 closes matches to market browse. Typing "Celestia" could display "Celestia" and " Cowl of the Celestial Hunter", "seren" - " Cobalt Serenity Ring" and "Serengaard Hyperstone" 10)CURATE GIANT SLAYER PLEASE FOR A LOVE OF GOD 11)Merge "Load filters" and "Search" button on market page, so you could search for item faster. Usually you aren't looking for specific rolls, item itself is more important unless it's unrollable. (Now: type item name->load filters->search ->get list of needed items, with change: type item name -> load filters+search button -> get list of items
12)Cross-links for weapons and heroes as well as for arcanas

redledcat commented 5 years ago

2. Spirit realm color screen ~~White/Red/Yellow non-trasparent super bright screen is not really confortable to see at nighttime. I'm usually close my eyes before using hyperstone/spirit stone. Also it confuses new players a lot and they start swearing. lol. Make them 50% transparent and more pale. Especially Tanari one, mind making it pale-green? (Ok no idea why, but now Redfall has pale green one and Tanari still has white, and not fixed yet)~~ Fixed, but serengaard standart stone doesn't look like it should be red colored. 3.Sea Fortress training dummy I can't find a good spot to place it, maybe you make a little sandy ait somewhere to the left from camp? Or replace this bigger rock island (this one) in the middle of the pool Here is my try: particles/econ/items/effigies/status_fx_effigies/status_effect_effigy_jade_stone.vpcf (Vector(-2848, -13990))

redledcat commented 5 years ago

4. Paragon units 1)Great Wall punishes physical damage dealers way too hard. Rework it into physical damage reduction %. 20190224225438_1 2)endurance_aura is op combined with any bash or powerful attack modifier. Nerf +140 to +60, but make bearer of aura to have fixed attack speed, being immune to attack slow (colossus style) 3) Add some new affixes. Full mana drain once in 10 seconds, 90% elemental resistance for heroes with major elemental amp, second life (as icy veins in winterblight, splitting in to several units (2-3) etc. 4)Add visible aura particle for Lightning Enchanced paragons, to easily differ them. They are pretty dangerous and should warn player. 5)Add unique improvement for Defiler World Tree Paragon, maybe higher chance for better rune rolls for Red October boots, and higher possible max attributes for Cache. There is no need in great boost, just it's feels special when you find and kill paragon boss.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

5. Item Disable function Same as rune disable, one of the greatest life improvements in Roshpit history, disabling glyphs and items would be neat feature. Sometimes I don't want my Zhonik to autohit everything around with immortal glyph, sometimes I don't need Mordiggus drain, Auriun immortal glyph could put him into unpleasant situation facing return damage. 1)It needs delay to prevent cheesy abuses, like triggering effect of item with disabling and enabling it 2)Arcana items can't be disabled 3)Frozen heart can't be disabled (easy heal up)

redledcat commented 5 years ago

6. Cutscenes Sometimes cuscenes allow to improve game immersion or focus player's attention on something. But there is no need in most of cuscenes left in tanari and redfall. They interrupt player's actions, break gameplay and make you feel forced to watch it again and again, and again. Unskippable cutscenes are the worst part of videogames. I once saw some samurai game, Orochi maybe, which at first lauch gave you about 20 minutes of unskippable cutscenes and it was painful. Now about Roshpit cutscenes. Let's speak about each one. Tanari wind temple path - 1 cutscene after killing rubick, which shows keyholder's door opening. Appopriate one, but pretty easy to figure out what happened anyway. Player is placed right in front of area he want to look at, and there is energy beam going from our current position to "ward". Tanari water temple - one when naga siren being unfrozen, nice and fast one. One when you hit the button in spirit part after slark and open second spirit part, well, nice one too, because you'll get lost probably if you won't see this one. Button press upstairs to open 3rd normal part with water drowning area - not nesessary, new player can figure out it (I'm not talking about anyone but new players here, because anyone who saw it 3 times already tired, and I did tanari hundreds of times, imagine what tranquility I reached at this point). Any cutscene after dummy slardar activation, are useless, except maybe last one, which should show boss statue is now fully completed. Fire temple - each statue in terrasic crater shouldn't give any cutscene. It's super obvious what each statue does, what red ray means and what this room is shown in camera lock. Redfall here. Forest - none, canyon - none, thank you very much. Farmlands - cheeky old farmer which evades paying taxes by hiring party of killers and murdering defenseless tax collectors. Disgusting, but life is life, and at least it's pretty creative. Shipyard - boss cutsene. Very well, and not irritating. Please fix bug with 78 filthy pigs appearing with slardar or solunia. Castle, here we go. Lina cutscene is incredibly long, tiring and unskippable. 2 cutscenes after her death and useless, lowering the bridge one and scarloth dives in lava. If player is interested it's easy to move camera and check by themselves. Every cutscene on the right part before warlock is pure cancer. You can't get lost there. Cutscene after Price Elthezun kill not informative too. Only fine one is boss doors opening, but usually new player is missing one of key bosses and come to the door before this cutscene played, so they already knew where boss door is. I vote for total removal cutscenes from Legend difficulty sessions. Sea is almost cutscene free - one in the start to open mid door, and another one to show ghost pirate destinations. Not irritating at all, because they are short. Serengaard is the best map cutscene-wise, thanks god. Winterblight is fine. Teleporters can accidently softlock your camera if Azalea kills you during teleportation with her pure piercing snowballs.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

7. Potions shop 1)Effects should retain after death. 2)Add potion dealer to Serengaard to utilize these potions with max efficiency, right-down corner is optimal placement, mirrored to Oracle placement. 3)Current effects are useless. I suggest to rework all of them being unique in their respective features: Lesser potion/medium potion/greater potion: Health regen ones: 1500 HP regen/ additional 10% of max HP regen/ HP regen increased by x2 overall Damage ones: 100k base attack damage/+100% bonus attack damage/ +50% outgoing damage pre-mitigation Base ability damage: +50% bad/base ability rolls on gear multiplied by x1.5/ +350% bad 900 units aura 4)Add some new potion effects. Just a fine way is making a line of general survivability ones: 25% evasion, 1500 armor, 40% magic resistance Or utility ones: 10% buff duration increase/ +50 cast range/ +10% attack range 5)Gold reward should be quite rescaled, to be honest, but for solo it will be fine now as it is. At at least a question "What do I do with gold in this mode?" can be answered without hesitation.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

8.Ekkan 1)R1: add 1% pre-mitigation damage amp to soul charged summons. Lifesteal itself is pointless to scale, everyone just goes with 20 runes basically. 2)Add second charge to Soul Charge. You have three main targets for it and 8 seconds cooldown: your summons, your enemies because of R2 and corpses to utilize R3 somehow. Cooldown reduction could fit too, but I think second charge just fits better. 3)Probably add a system to resurrect killed dominated units. Whole meaning of rune is built around your choice of creeps and Q3 pokemon progression. Losing a creep meaning you lose whole potential you've been building for a game. It's easy to lose any unit to one of shadow bosses (by easy I mean any creep you bring there is dead, steadfast or mega steadfast). I suggest to make some kind of graveyard for creeps located on dedicated place on each map. If your creep dies, you come to this place somewhere near camp and resurrect them with saved Q3 passive and creep type. Can be implemented as spawning unit with Graveyard stone (Wraith king dota ulti) or Tombstone model if Ekkan is present in current session. Ekkan comes to this stone and resurrects all last units which were killed and saved into it (Using soul charge on it, in example). 4)Revamp glyphs: T1, T5 and T6 (minion amount upgrades) can be merged in 1 glyph. T2 is fine - 5 corpses on portal cast, one of the best glyphs here. T3 - skeleton life duration, fine, if you go for skeletons and have to build up army, but frankly not the best glyph option even in respective build. Maybe just additionnaly make standart skeletons inherit Undead amp, such as W1 and W3, but only 100% of attack power, fixed. T4 - it quite hard to choose as utility glyph, almost always losing to additional amplification glyph. Maybe add third charge to R if you consider 2) (second R charge) to add first T7 - totally not an option, because R3 loses to every other build first of all. Maybe buff duration to have more free time to recast King and add 80% incoming damage reduction if Ekkan is near to Skeleton king (700 dm?) as well. Ekkan needs native way to survive, this one is still quite bad design but can be usable. Merging T1, T5 and T6 will free 2 more glyph spaces (I suggest to move new merged glyph with global increase of all summons to T5): T1 - Casting E procs E1 immediately (takes same base damage as corpses from T2) T6 - Soul Charge temporarily sets minimum attack speed of your units to 400, so they can ignore slow effects. 5)For now Ekkan is only good while having Ghost Mace unit under command. I'm not sure it's healthy mechanic to have on character because it seriously restricts other choises, but we have a problem here. There actually not much of other choises around, and damage output of Ekkan and his surivivability is under any reasonable measures. 6)New W2 actually made Undead roll on weapon irrelevant. Just 20 runes and full stack of 12 alive skeletons makes it 1920%. Max possible value on weapon is 1166% fyi and is extremely rare to get good one. I see Ekkan lacks of damage, but it should be nerfed in future, and that's why I'm waiting for 4.0. 7) Q3 needs a cap. Again. Having over white (base) attack damage over integer value makes it negative which (surprise!) nullifies your damage. Issue with green (bonus) damage was fixed, but not that one, so having Ekkan in Serengaard run means he will be entirely useless as damage dealer at some point without fix.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

9. Blacksmith's UI ~~Please. Would really appreciate this change. I really hope for larger UI here which will have INCREASED font size instead of decreased. It's literally more comfortable to check rolls in standart tooltip instead of reforging one.~~ So, it became much better. Comparison: 38514124-92cee742-3c30-11e8-8a9f-2ea376a5ea32 My eyesight gets worse because of work and videogames so goddamnit.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

10. Problem with Stargazer Sphere. Well, yes, that one is OP and requires penalty for using it as supportive item. I.e. Solunia ( can use Stargazer to proc R2 from it and use Q4 and R4 amps to boost damage, and in the meantime it being amplified by item damage from Steamboots and x3 damage from Echo gloves. Depending on Agility value, Solunia can amplify damage dealt by x800000-x1000000, and even more if R2 double burn active. Less common supportive builds are Duskbringer (because he can use t7_2 to convert cosmic into ghost and make stargazer inherit his R4, and also use Q2 to boost damage) his damage amp is about x900-x1000 ( and Slipfinn (Just because of E4) (, with damage amp based only on Odin and Echo, item and elemental glyphs (x80 total amp and can pierce steadfast). Also Astral Ranger with Stargazer exists, but it's not super effective or anything. So what I suggest, is saving stargazer venge and duskbringer's builds, allowing to boost themselves with full power and in the same time cuttting damage output if attacker is different hero. So, ideally, I would like to see Stargazer amping ally damage only x100 at max (x100 is about 55 waves in serengaard), so: 1)Venge won't proc burn damage from ally's damage, but star still can land and deal damage based on ally's 2)Ally's damage can't be amped by Elemental amp 3)But still can be amplified by Item damage This won't restrict usage of Steamboots, Dusk Q2 or Item glyph, as well as Echo Gloves or Odin. I suppose sacrifice of hero slot to boost ally damage is appropriate, and Venge won't be as crazy as she is right now. I probably don't have full vision of problem but I would like to keep like that venge up there, because she can amp herself just fine and not OP, this Dusk (, some weird stargazer drows.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

11.Synthesis on 95+ lv Currently system has no upsides for high level items. Best you can do with synthesis is using trash lv 100 item for a single try to slightly boost low level but rare item with high chance of risk, and it usually not worth it in any case. Climbing to level 98-100 is not possible as well, because you're going to waste not only items you use as sources but also all your progress usually being constantly lost. You can basically waste 50 items and 50 vessels and never get above 94. There is no item to be that costly in terms or resources, and no good reason for losing 50 items 90+ lvl without any visible profit. So, I suggest changing the rules when source items' average level are above lv 95. Instead of having 4/7 chance to lose 2 source item into worse one, it might be fairer to change chances to be positive only, so you always keep at least average level item. So two lv 95 items will give you one lv 95 guaranteed and with small chance they will be improved to lv 96. Right now you should waste immeasurable amount of items to get one lv 98-99 item, it's not even worth it. Even when I used an abuse with immortal weapons, it took me 70(!) weapons and vessels to get one Master Gloves to lv 100. (Consider that weapons all counted as lv 100 and weren't spoiling item which you are trying to upgrade) So chance of 5% to upgrade an item to +1 from average and 2% to upgrade it to +2 should be fine for 95-98 range. At least you won't lose level of your source and will be losing only vessels and secondary items. in the same time, having twenty items with average lv 98 means you almost guaranteed will lose all of them and not get neither lv 99 nor lv 100. Right now vessels aren't usable for upgrading immortal items, all they can do is utilizing useless arcanas and crafting jex weapons/ boreal vest.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

12.Harverster machine's Whirling Death Basic "Harvest Tree" is more effective in ay possible scenario. Whirling Death has 7 seconds CD and harvests 10 trees per cast in very best case. Maybe buff number of trees harvested by this ability, multiplying each x3? That would make sense to use it in this case, and not just spam Q

redledcat commented 5 years ago

13. Remove super old screenshots from workshop page previews Без названия (1) Без названия (2) Без названия (3)

redledcat commented 5 years ago

14.Invalid builds in Builds section on Well, maybe new players add them because of incompetence, or not-so-new players for trolling, but they flood builds and you don't see it's complete shit until you click it to check. 1)Remove all builds which already include empty stash slots. 2)Never allow to submit a build with empty stash slot. If you want to show your build to community, have dignity to fill all glyph and item slots. It's contempt to less experienced players who are looking for working builds. 3)Probably set star treshold to 75 stars before any player can submit a build himself. Shouldn't be that difficult to implement. 4)Yes, we can now just vote them to 1 star and move build to the bot. EXCEPT they actualy will go in the middle of the list. New builds appear at the bottom while whole alyer of trash builds without gear will remain in the middle of the list. 5)You can restrict voting with stars too, but it won't be effective. Rating always can be intentionally deceived - so it's probably unnessessary. List of builds submitted just to spoil the section: and many many other builds submitted

redledcat commented 5 years ago

15. Tutorial Well, tutorial has several problems after being tested by several hundreds of players, and main issues are: 1) Tiring. It concentrates too much on simple information which player probably does know and in the same time passes important questions too fast. Small dialogue window doesn't help either. I assume it's not simpliest task, but I think dialogues here should be remade into monolite text page. This way players independently on their reading and understanding can get important info and answer a question or complete a task as soon as they finish reading the page. 2) Website market and web premium lessons require lesson repeat in order to complete it, because click on Cherebi for the first time does completely nothing. Also they can be merged in a single lesson, one by one. 3) Challen's window should follow the rules of other UI, and should close when you use teleporter. If your client disconnects when UI is opened, and you reconnect, you can't open it anymore because game thinks it's opened already. I tested it. I would also say it should close if you ran away from Challen, but in this case you will be unable to finish lesson you choose prematurely, which would be painful if you made a missclick. Maybe you can do both variants in the same time, combining current new UI interactions with NPC using a button while having old aura-thinker around NPC. So you can open Challen's UI both ways and reopen it manually if it's bugged on disconnect, but better just make it close on teleport. 4) People still don't know how to exit tutorial and start redfall_ridge. Add a screenshot in lesson 6, which will show interface of map choose, like Deckard's one. unknown (5) 5) Dummy lesson (Post-mitigation) requires you to enable steadfast, but when Challen asks you to test post-mitigation damage, you actually should turn it off in order to trigger lesson progress. 6) Respawn time should be fixed at 10 seconds here, because multiple accounts add +10 for each. 7) Portal near Challen can sometimes accidently TP you back, because autopathing goes close to it. If you order movement to a place to the south of Challen, you usually touch TP trigger, irritating.

redledcat commented 5 years ago

16. PvP I came up with following idea: Arena map, PvP league. Two players can register on it, then they will get a random hero from pool, leveled to lvl 40 (8 skill points). Also, UI window appears with 6 completely random items for each slot, without repeats. (6 helms, 6 chests, 6 gloves, 6 boots and 6 trinkets, 30 items total). (Heroes are at lvl 40, so all items are lvl 40 and no immortal weapons for obvious reasons). Challenger can pick one items for each slot and level up skills and runes during preparation time (maybe 90 seconds, not too long, not too short) They have best of 3 or best of 5 battle with their freshly builded heroes. No reward because too easy to abuse, but winner gets fame and glory. That's some kind of PvP which is not entirely broken compare to 1)battle between fully packed heroes 2)battle between lv1 heroes, with good part of randomization, and part of building skills. Probably the only which would fit the spirit of Roshpit.

redledcat commented 4 years ago

17. Serengaard's Leaderboard 20190720210447_1 Requires to be below other UI or have a close button. It doesn't allow to save items (allows to save a hero progress fine).

redledcat commented 4 years ago

18. More market 1.Make all non-immortal weapons for hero show in single search I don't want to check sephyr_weapon_21,sephyr_weapon_22, sephyr_weapon_23, sephyr_weapon_24, sephyr_weapon_25 just to see if anyone put at least one with right runes for me 2.Search among arcanas for rune tier like show all t4 or t3 arcanas on market to check valuable stuff easier for users without scripted bots? 3.Same for immortal weapons for selected hero, showing all 3 weapon variants at once in one search