ChalkyBrush / roshpit-bug-tracker

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Challenges with "Can't use Ability X" affix may break Tanari Witch Doctor #1612

Open redledcat opened 3 years ago

redledcat commented 3 years ago


DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

i remember a long time ago, when either tanari jungle or ekkan or slipfinn was brand new content, i found a bug with the death prophet boss that caused a server crash if you attacked her with that juggernaut creep with a passive ability that drained AGI: this occurred because she was technically flagged as a Hero unit, but had no attribute values assigned, so attempting to drain them resulted in a crash.

if the Tanari Witch Doctor NPC is being treated as an allied Hero unit, then the challenge code might be applying to him by mistake, and if his interface window is handled by an ability he has, disabling it would result in this issue.

i have a suspicion that, if you changed his classification from Hero to Creep Hero (the flag used for Spirit Bear and others), it may fix this issue while also confirming my diagnosis

redledcat commented 3 years ago

good shot, but it's not the case, also witch doctor doesn't have any differences from other NPC, at least nothing I can spot right now best case scenario I can check it myself in dev mode + console enabled to find error message there, but I need this particular challenge to happen