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Chiseling off Djanghor's Body Arcana while in Year Beast form does not purge Year Beast form #1619

Open DeckardCainRPC opened 3 years ago

DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

this is of course highly exploitable

redledcat commented 3 years ago


redledcat commented 3 years ago

it doesn't seem to be that easy to perform

DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

noted, this may only occur on the test server. i will fuck with it some more

DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

image this is a picture of it occurring to my own djanghor in the test server

DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

oh ho ho


now THIS is a picture of it occurring to my own djanghor on the LIVE server

big thunking in progress

redledcat commented 3 years ago
Script Runtime Error: scripts\vscripts\\heroes\monkey_king\shapeshift.lua:308: attempt to index local 'bearShiftAbility' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    scripts\vscripts\\heroes\monkey_king\shapeshift.lua:308: in function 'monkey_form'
    scripts\vscripts\runes.lua:1893: in function 'UnequipArcana'
    ...s\roshpit_champions\scripts\vscripts\items\equipment.lua:56: in function <...s\roshpit_champions\scripts\vscripts\items\equipment.lua:52>
    [C]: in function 'RemoveModifierByName'
    scripts\vscripts\items\equip_gear.lua:103: in function 'ResetGearBonusesForSlot'
    scripts\vscripts\items\equip_gear.lua:65: in function 'UnequipItem'
    scripts\vscripts\challenges.lua:85: in function <scripts\vscripts\challenges.lua:23>
redledcat commented 3 years ago

I don't really want to dig into djanghor's code Maybe I'll figure it out later

redledcat commented 3 years ago

Well, it's maul glyph in this particular case, but the bug also has other variations, like equipping an arcana in bear/bird form while having any amount of R3 also blocks you in bear/bird form until you chisel an arcana

redledcat commented 3 years ago

ok lol actually I think I fixed your glyph case

redledcat commented 3 years ago

I fixed most of the known troubles right now Let's see how many bugs I made in process

DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

i'm just glad you were able to reproduce it, i hate submitting bugs only to find out i'm an idiot

redledcat commented 3 years ago

Check Djanghor for possible troubles, there may be or may be no additional troubles causing runes having no effects, locked spells, stucking in single form forever, profuse diarrhea, sanity losing, also I'm not sure if R4 is even working properly