ChalkyBrush / roshpit-bug-tracker

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Elemental Warlord R1 rune isn't considered Base Ability Damage for R #1627

Open DeckardCainRPC opened 3 years ago

redledcat commented 3 years ago

but it's item damage

DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago

lol seriously? post code block

redledcat commented 3 years ago
if #enemies > 0 then
        --print("WARLORD A_D")
        EmitSoundOnLocationWithCaster(target:GetAbsOrigin(), "Warlord.ADAoeSound", caster)
        for _, enemy in pairs(enemies) do   
            Filters:TakeArgumentsAndApplyDamage(enemy, target, aoeDamage, DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, **BASE_ITEM**, RPC_ELEMENT_EARTH, RPC_ELEMENT_NONE)
            local key = 'warlord_r_1'
            Util.Common:LimitPerTimeAndPlace(8, 1, target:GetAbsOrigin(), 1200, key, function() 
                local pfx2 = ParticleManager:CreateParticle("particles/roshpit/elemental_warlord/earth_axe_throw_explode.vpcf", PATTACH_CUSTOMORIGIN, caster)
                ParticleManager:SetParticleControl(pfx2, 0, enemy:GetAbsOrigin())
                ParticleManager:SetParticleControl(pfx2, 1, Vector(200, 200, 200))
                ParticleManager:SetParticleControl(pfx2, 2, Vector(200, 200, 200))
                ParticleManager:SetParticleControl(pfx2, 3, Vector(200, 200, 200))
                Timers:CreateTimer(2.5, function()
                    ParticleManager:DestroyParticle(pfx2, false)
DeckardCainRPC commented 3 years ago


i am filled with chortles and the christmas spirit