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[new] Vote Kick #109

Closed Chalwk closed 3 years ago

Chalwk commented 3 years ago

Vote Kick


Vote to kick a disruptive player from the server.

script download link

Command Description
/votekick Typing this command by itself will show you a list of player names and their Index ID's (PID)
/votekick [pid] Cast vote to target id


Default Settings:

Setting Value Description
command votekick Custom command used to cast a vote or view player list
minimum_player_count 3 Minimum players required to be online in order to vote
vote_percentage 60 Percentage of online players needed to kick a player
announcement_period 180 Time (in seconds) between each announcement. The announcer informs how many votes are required to kick a player. The required votes is a calculation of the vote_percentage * player count / 100
cooldown_period 30 If a player disconnects and returns within this amount of time (in seconds), votes against them will remain.