-- ============= Configuration Starts ============= --
local AdminChat = {
-- Custom command used to toggle admin chat on/off:
command = "achat",
-- Minimum permission needed to execute the custom command:
permission = 1,
-- Minimum permission needed to toggle admin chat for other players:
permission_others = 4,
-- Fully customizable messages:
messages = {
-- Admin Chat output format:
[1] = "%name% [%id%]: %message%",
-- This message is sent to (you) when you enable/disable for yourself.
[2] = "Admin Chat %state%!",
-- This message is sent to (you) when you enable/disable for others.
[3] = "Admin Chat %state% for %target_name%",
-- This message is sent to (target player) when you enable/disable for them.
[4] = "Your Admin Chat was %state% by %executor_name%",
-- This message is sent to (you) when your Admin Chat is already enabled/disabled.
[5] = "Your Admin Chat is already %state%!",
-- This message is sent to (target player) when their Admin Chat is already enabled/disabled.
[6] = "%target_name%%'s Admin Chat is already %state%!",
-- This message is sent when a player connects to the server (if previously activated).
-- This requires the 'restore' setting to be TRUE.
[7] = "Your Admin Chat is Enabled! (auto-restore)",
-- This message is sent to (you) when there is a command syntax error.
[8] = "Invalid Syntax: Usage: /%cmd% on|off [me | id | */all]",
-- If command executors permission level is < permission_others, send this message:
[9] = "You lack permission to execute this command on other players",
-- Should A-Chat be restored for returning players? (if previously activated)
restore = true,
-- Advanced users only:
-- The array index for each client will either be "IP", or "IP:PORT".
-- Set to 1 for ip-only indexing.
ClientIndexType = 2
-- ============= Configuration Ends ============= --
Admin Chat
Description: This is a utility mod that allows you to chat privately with other admins.
Command Syntax: /achat on|off [me | id | */all]
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