ChanceSD / PvPManager

A Spigot/Paper plugin to toggle PvP, stop combat log, protect new players and much more
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Block opening plugin menus #476

Closed zLunarKnight closed 3 months ago

zLunarKnight commented 3 months ago

Hello, I want to inform you that it does not block all the commands, specifically the menus, for example the /buy of buycraft does not block it although you can use it in combat and there is a blockhit bug when you use /buy in pvp, not specifically in pvp but it can be bugged and other menus that don't block are the deluxemenus ones, surely there are more, I just don't know about it, if they solve it it would be better!

ChanceSD commented 3 months ago

Hello, can you show your current config, you can send the entire config or just the part that blocks commands if you want. Then I'll test it and try to fix it if needed. I do think /buy gets blocked with no problem but I will retest it just in case.

ChanceSD commented 3 months ago

Alright, so I tested it with BuycraftX and it's not possible to block the /buy command because of how badly coded that plugin is. They just made it in a way that it can't be blocked...

However, if you update to the new Tebex plugin they made it seems to block it fine on that one.

Not sure about DeluxeMenus yet though, still need to test that one. Would be nice if you can give me some example menu to test.

zLunarKnight commented 3 months ago

Okay, here is a warp menu

zLunarKnight commented 3 months ago

The /buy command may be blocked when the player executes the command in combat and instantly closes the menu or any menu closes when used in combat.

ChanceSD commented 3 months ago

Oh I guess I can just block inventories from opening instead of only blocking the commands sure, will probably add an option for that then.

ChanceSD commented 3 months ago

Try this build please, it should block opening menus while in combat:

ChanceSD commented 3 months ago

@zLunarKnight Just in case you didn't see, sorry if you already did.

ChanceSD commented 3 months ago

Well I'm gonna assume this is solved.