ChanceSD / PvPManager

A Spigot/Paper plugin to toggle PvP, stop combat log, protect new players and much more
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Reapply PvP Tag on Ender Pearl Usage #503

Closed CoolManTheCool closed 1 month ago

CoolManTheCool commented 1 month ago


I've been encountering an issue on my SMP server where players can easily escape PvP combat by using ender pearls. This behavior disrupts the intended PvP experience, as players can immediately teleport away and avoid combat after initiating a fight.

Current Behavior:

Proposed Solution:


Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Engage in PvP combat with another player.
  2. The opposing player uses an ender pearl to teleport away.
  3. Notice that the PvP tag is not reapplied.

Expected Behavior:

Additional Context: This feature would be particularly useful in SMP servers where PvP engagements are common, and players often use ender pearls to avoid fights. Ensuring the PvP tag is reapplied on ender pearl usage will promote a more balanced and competitive environment.

Thank you for considering this enhancement. Looking forward to your response!

ChanceSD commented 1 month ago

Have you tried this option?

ChanceSD commented 1 month ago

This feature already exists as far as I know, let me know if not.

CoolManTheCool commented 1 month ago

Oh it works thanks

ChanceSD commented 1 month ago

Nice, I appreciate the detailed suggestion though! I wish there were more like it