ChanceSD / PvPManager

A Spigot/Paper plugin to toggle PvP, stop combat log, protect new players and much more
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Re-enable pvpmanager.nopvp, This was used for temp staff ranks. #508

Open TomLewis opened 1 week ago

TomLewis commented 1 week ago

I have no idea what repo to post in there are two?

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. The purpose I used pvpmanager.nopvp was to have ranks not be in PvP, for example I have a "gardener" rank that is temp given to players to clean up the world, I also have a second temp rank called "Media" that takes screenshots, These two ranks need to have PvP disabled for both them attacking and others attacking them when they are busy in staff mode. When the ranks run out (via lp) then this permission auto removes.

Personally I would never need to use the world manager setting for any purpose, but I really need that pvpmanager.nopvp.

Just spent like 30 mins trying to figure out why the hell it wasn't working, then did a verbose and noticed it didn't exist, then had to backtrack changelogs...

please can we get it back!

Other permissions I also had in these staff ranks were;

- pvpmanager.nopvp:
    world: PirateCraft_1
    value: true
- pvpmanager.nopvetag:
    world: PirateCraft_1
    value: true
- pvpmanager.nocombat:
    world: PirateCraft_1
    value: true
ChanceSD commented 1 week ago

Those perms caused too many problems because some owners gave themselves the * permission, and complained they couldn't toggle pvp, etc. Even if I specify in plugin.yml they shouldn't be given by default LP gave them anyways, this didn't use to be a problem when GroupManager/PermissionsEx were the most used permissions plugins, LuckPerms works different but that's another conversation. A couple ideas to solve your issue:

TomLewis commented 1 week ago

What about a toggle in the config to enable these permissions, default to off? Then we can just use them as intended!

ChanceSD commented 1 week ago

When I mentioned running /pvp off, I had automation in mind. I don't know what system you are using to give that rank but can't it execute /pvp off <player> in console and then /pvp on at the end? If it can run commands you should be able to automate it.

With /pvpgrant it might be even easier, since you can just run it once at the start and it enables pvp after the X time.

TomLewis commented 6 days ago

Temp ranks are done the same as any other server, luckperms temp parent. It auto expires itself.

Just need the perm to work, as it did before. No extra added complexity.