ChangemakerStudios / serilog-sinks-mongodb

A sink for Serilog that writes events to MongoDB
Apache License 2.0
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Add IntPtr, UIntPtr proper handling since they became ScalarValue #86

Open daniilBoushys opened 3 weeks ago

daniilBoushys commented 3 weeks ago

Description Initial issue created in Serilog:

After updating the Serilog package from version 3.0.1 to version 3.1.0 it was noticed that some logs are not written to the MongoDB. The investigation showed that in IntPtr type in 3.1.0 is logged as ScalarValue (before it was StructureValue), leading to System.ArgumentException: .NET type System.IntPtr cannot be mapped to a BsonValue exception in Serilog.Sinks.MongoDB package


Relevant package, tooling, and runtime versions .NET 8 Serilog 3.1.0 Serilog.Sinks.Console 4.1.0 Serilog.Sinks.MongoDB 5.4.1 MongoDB.Driver 2.27.0

daniilBoushys commented 3 weeks ago

It was mentioned that is an intentional change that was missed in the release notes

In the meantime, the following workaround was used to address the issue:

BsonTypeMapper.RegisterCustomTypeMapper(typeof(IntPtr), new CustomIntPtrMapper());
BsonTypeMapper.RegisterCustomTypeMapper(typeof(UIntPtr), new CustomIntPtrMapper());

class CustomIntPtrMapper : ICustomBsonTypeMapper
    public bool TryMapToBsonValue(object value, [UnscopedRef] out BsonValue bsonValue)
        switch (value)
            case IntPtr intPtr:
                bsonValue = intPtr.ToInt32();
                return true;
            case UIntPtr uIntPtr:
                bsonValue = uIntPtr.ToUInt32();
                return true;
                bsonValue = null;
                return false;