ChaoFan96 / GaitPart

Temporal part-based model for gait recognition.
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Some questions about Focal Convolution Layers (FConv) #5

Open ShinanZou opened 4 years ago

ShinanZou commented 4 years ago

May I ask whether activation and pooling are performed on each of the segmented feature maps respectively, or after the segmented feature maps are merged?I think there is no difference here.What do you think?

ChaoFan96 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your attention! In this work, the operations of pooling as well as activation are both performed on the output feature map of the FConv, and in your word, they are performed after those split feature maps being concatenated. Hope this repsond could help you~

ShinanZou commented 4 years ago

Hi, I want to know if FConv is applying a padding to the entire feature or applying a padding to each piece that is cut horizontally

ChaoFan96 commented 4 years ago

In our implementations, the FConv works in the latter way.

ShinanZou commented 4 years ago

Hi, can you tell me how you initialize network parameters in your implementation?And what frameworks are used?Pytorch?

ChaoFan96 commented 4 years ago

Yes, it's totally a PyTorch implementation and all the parameters (including Conv's &FC's) are initialized by 'torch.nn.init.xavieruniform'.

ShinanZou commented 4 years ago

May I ask: in Fconv, "sharing the same kernel" refers to the size of the core or the same weight?Is there any bias in convolution?

ChaoFan96 commented 4 years ago

Hello, there is only one convolution kernel skip among the split feature map. And all the layers, including convolution and fully-connected layers, are bias-free.

ShinanZou commented 4 years ago

So what is the Pytorch version in your implementation?

ChaoFan96 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I think it may be 1.0.0

ChaoFan96 commented 3 years ago

Hi, the OpenGait is released now! ( ) This project not only contains the full code of gaitpart but also reproduces several SOTA models of gait recognition. Enjoy it and any questions or suggestions are welcome!