ChaosMarc / PlugY

PlugY, The Survival Kit - Plug-in for Diablo II Lord of Destruction
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Custom Font Fix #5

Closed DerWeedologe closed 7 years ago

DerWeedologe commented 7 years ago

Hi there, i found a bunch of different font fixes for diablo.

Custom Font 1 Custom Font 2

The first font fix has a modified Plugy.dll in it. But i dont rly know what is changed.

I thought maybe we could implement a fix. Bcause game is crashing when opening stash, while using a modified diablo2 font.

LAutour commented 7 years ago

It is a problem not of Plugy. It is the truncated user fonts where there is no character '°' It is possible to correct editing of PlugyLocal.ini with changeover of all characters of '°' by 'o', but then simulation of the character '№' will be gone in a game (n° -> no)

DerWeedologe commented 7 years ago

What when we compile another version, for custom font using. ?

LAutour commented 7 years ago

PlugyLocal.ini - is an external text file of localization, it doesn't compile to anything. It is available to editing always. But anyway - a problem in the user font. If there was a laziness to add the character of '°', then why it was impossible to correct in the table of characters its index of a figure on an index of a figure 'o'?

DerWeedologe commented 7 years ago

Yeah, i figured out, that he changed the character '°' to "o".

But, why is it so necessary? The rigth shortcur grammar for "Number" is "No.".

So my suggestion is changin the '№' to "No. " with an additional space btween "No. " and the stash-number.

LAutour commented 7 years ago

Problem in the truncated user font (would edit the necessary characters in a native font better). In it there is an index on the picture of the character '°', but there is no picture. Therefore, in attempt to output this absent picture of the character, a game takes off. It is necessary to govern the user font, but not each Plugy version - one byte in .tbl the file of a font is enough to correct that by a character code '°' to remove 'o'.

ChaosMarc commented 7 years ago

I removed the string "N°" completely as it is not applicable to all languages (e. g. in german you would spell "Nr. 1" instead of "No. 1")