ChaosPA / PA-Bugtracker

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BWL - Death Talon Hatchers #9

Open Nodon-zz opened 6 years ago

Nodon-zz commented 6 years ago

Death Talon Hatchers - suppression room.

Death Talon Hatchers in the suppresion room should be interruptable to prevent their Flamestrike ability. Curently they aren't interuptable (Kick, Shield Bash, Counterspell)

Upon using the interup ability, the ability lands on mob but has no effect on him, and the mob continious casting Flamestrike.

Mob: Source 1:

ChaosPA commented 6 years ago

This could be incorrectly scripted in the video you've provided. Do you have any source information? Such as WoWWiki or a very old Vanilla guide?