Open ambocclusion opened 9 months ago
Currently you cannot do this directly. This is the main limitation of virtual mode:
The main limitation of virtual mode is that one cannot get the output of nodes from Python before running the full workflow. However, this limitation can be mitigated by expanding a workflow dynamically and run it multiple times. See select and process for an example. (If is someday merged into ComfyUI, this limitation can be solved.)
There are several workarounds:
Use some expression nodes
e.g. EvaluateFloats
_, duration, _ = EvaluateFloats('a - 10.0', a=duration)
Run multiple times
e.g. With ShowAnyToJSONCrystools
json = ShowAnyToJSONCrystools(duration)
duration = float(json.wait()._output['text'][0])
audio = ClipAudio(audio, duration - 10.0, duration, model_sr)
Use real mode
This is the most powerful approach, but it also has several drawbacks compared to virtual mode, such as no cache for node outputs and no auto model management.
By the way, _wait()
is just for internal use, you can await video
or await wf.queue()
without calling _wait()
And wf.queue()
is not necessary since Workflow
will queue the workflow when exiting the context. You should either set Workflow(queue=False)
or avoid calling wf.queue()
Thanks! Yeah I kinda got desperate to get anything from the workflow and just threw everything at it.
I haven't written much about node results in the docs because there are many refactors not done yet. There will be some built-in interop support for basic types in the future, so that one can await image
or await duration
without manually calling output nodes like SaveImage
and ShowAnyToJSONCrystools
. Probably also await image.to_pil()
for easy type conversion. This also helps to unify virtual mode and real mode.
And Result._output
may be removed in the future. Result
may be replaced with a wrapped dict, so that one can write result['ui']['text']
instead of result._output['text']
Thinking about this some, I wonder if some simple built-in eval utility nodes would be too out of scope for ComfyScript? I may look into writing a solution for this I just wonder if there was any chance you saw this as a possible enhancement already.
Being able to mix Python code with nodes is one of the goals of ComfyScript. If ComfyUI is running in the same process as ComfyScript, this goal can be archived by directly executing nodes as normal Python functions, which is what real mode does. If ComfyUI is running remotely, either node value or user code needs to be passed around the client and the server.
Passing value around is more flexible in that the client can do anything to the value, like calling external libraries and showing GUIs to let the user input the new value. However, it has the disadvantage that passing big values (e.g. models) would be slow. Passing code is more limited than passing values, but can be faster in this case. So solutions of both ways are useful in certain cases and would both be added in the future.
The most common "pass code around" solution is using eval nodes. There are already many eval nodes made by the community, but most of them are bloated, including many other nodes unrelated to eval and not very useful with ComfyScript. So I didn't select one as built-in. If you are going to make one that isn't bloated, I'm very willing to add it as built-in.
And the "pass value around" solution I'm going to implement is to add a node to apply callbacks to values. For example:
audio, sr, duration = LoadAudio(params.snd_filename)
audio = ConvertAudio(audio, sr, model_sr, 1)
audio = ClipAudio(audio, Apply(duration, lambda x: x - 10.0), duration, model_sr)
# or
audio = ClipAudio(audio, duration.apply(lambda x: x - 10.0), duration, model_sr)
The only requirement of Apply
is the value must support interop, i.e. can be sent to the client and then back to the server. Or, if ComfyUI is running in the same process, it's also possible to capture the variable directly.
Also note that currently none of these solutions can change workflow structures at runtime, i.e. no real control flows in the workflow (unless do some hacks to ComfyUI). As mentioned above, I'm waiting for to be merged. It allows a workflow to be dynamic, i.e. nodes can return sub-workflows to be executed at runtime. This allows the client to change the workflow structure at runtime, and doesn't have the inefficiency problem of the "run multiple times" solution.
Hello! I have this code here
And I would like to perform math on the resulting duration from LoadAudio. If I try to use it raw, it will just throw the error
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'Float' and 'float'
Is it possible to get the result here?