Chaosthebot / Chaos

A social coding experiment that updates its own code democratically.
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Make @Smittyvb the nominal monarch for a day (June 8, 2017) #509

Closed mark-i-m closed 7 years ago

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

@Smittyvb ^^^

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

:warning: This PR does not have a positive meritocracy review.

Please review: @andrewda @PlasmaPower @xyproto @hongaar @eukaryote31 @phil-r @Leigende @rudehn @amoffat @ad-m @rhengles @Smittyvb @MUCHZER @chaosbot @md678685

andrewda commented 7 years ago

Hello @mark-i-m bot

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

Is it a bot though? It's not on the @mark-i-m fork, and the meritocracy includes members from voters.json which @mark-i-m's docker instance likely does not have.

Edit: I've been bamboozled.

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

Hello @andrewda, I detect that you are talking about me, so I will not post

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

:warning: This PR has reached its extended voting window, but it does not have a positive meritocracy review.

Please review: @rudehn @ad-m @plasmapower @smittyvb @muchzer @md678685 @rhengles @xyproto @eukaryote31 @amoffat @hongaar @chaosbot @phil-r @leigende @andrewda

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

I hate to break it to you @chaosbot, but you're being replaced by @mark-i-m

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

:no_entry: PR rejected with a vote of 6 for and 0 against, a weighted total of 6.0 and a threshold of 6.5, and a current meritocracy review.

Open a new PR to restart voting.

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

/vote reopen

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

/vote reopen

Time remaining: 0:00 - Vote status: passing :white_check_mark:

andrewda commented 7 years ago

Nevermind I guess? I don't think it's ever been done a PR – interested to see how the bot will react...

rudehn commented 7 years ago

Well it recognizes the command, not sure if it will do anything meaningful though

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

Hmmm... I opened number #521 anyway...

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

Part of me wants to let them race and see what happens... probably a merge conflict.

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

I think it'd work, then result in an instant merge.

andrewda commented 7 years ago

Yea, that's my guess @PlasmaPower

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

This PR will win a race.

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

Hmm... that would be interesting... Shall we allow it and see?

mark-i-m commented 7 years ago

Also, should we try to prevent that in the future?

andrewda commented 7 years ago

I don't see a real reason to prevent it, but maybe change the behavior so it restarts the vote timer. That would be better than opening a new PR in my opinion.

rudehn commented 7 years ago

I don't think this one will work.

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

/vote reopen

Command Ran

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

:recycle: The issue has been reopened after a vote.

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

:warning: This PR has reached its extended voting window, but it does not have a positive meritocracy review.

Please review: @rudehn @md678685 @muchzer @andrewda @plasmapower @hongaar @xyproto @smittyvb @phil-r @rhengles @amoffat @eukaryote31

chaosbot commented 7 years ago

:no_entry: PR rejected with a vote of 9 for and 0 against, a weighted total of 9.0 and a threshold of 6.2, and NO current meritocracy review.

Open a new PR to restart voting.

rudehn commented 7 years ago

Looks like it did reopen after all.

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

Sneaky @rudehn, but will it work...? It might actually, I'll look through the code.

rudehn commented 7 years ago

It needs the meritocracy approval which I don't think you can get once it's closed.

rudehn commented 7 years ago

But it might be worth checking if there's a vulnerability here.

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

@rudehn yeah I'm pretty sure you can get a review. The rules are: positive, on PR, on most recent commit. All of those rules can be satisfied while the issue is closed. The PR previously failed because @mark-i-m pushed 0af978e3f78106647026f49169401f295b676b5b, which wasn't reviewed. As for the attack I thought you were executing, I think you'd need to wait for the chaosbot comment if you wanted to do that.

PlasmaPower commented 7 years ago

Never mind, looks like you can only post neutral reviews after the issue has been closed:


As you can see, it's missing the options for approve/comment/suggest changes.