ChaoticOnyx / OnyxForum
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Update #68

Closed Zert0X closed 2 years ago

Zert0X commented 2 years ago

Изменил теперь там чуть более подробная инструкция к запуску этого чудовища

New # Installing and starting forum * Install git, pip and npm if you don't have it: `sudo apt install git pip npm` * Install nginx, redis, virtualenvwrapper, mysql(can be changed), celery: `sudo apt install nginx redis virtualenvwrapper python3-sql celery` * Compile and install python3.8.13(if we don't fix some bugs): ``` sudo apt install build-essential zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libgdbm-dev libnss3-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libffi-dev libsqlite3-dev wget libbz2-dev wget tar -xf Python-3.8.13.tgz cd Python-3.8.13 ./configure --enable-optimizations make -j sudo make altinstall cd .. ``` * Create virtualenv with python 3.8.13: `python3.8 -m venv .venv` or `virtualenv .venv --python=python3.8` Activate it: `source .venv/bin/activate` * Upgrade pip, wheel and setuptools for venv: `pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools` * If you don't clone repo it's time to do it ``` git clone cd OnyxForum ``` * Install dependencies, dev or not decide you: `pip install -r requirements.txt` * Install hub module `pip install -e modules/hub` * Install mysqldb ``` sudo apt-get install python3-dev default-libmysqlclient-dev build-essential pip install mysqlclient ``` * Extract hub.cfg from example `cp modules/hub/hub/configs/example/* modules/hub/hub/configs` * Fill it * Create SQL DB from two templates(check SQL folder) * Make devconfig(make it default): `make devconfig` * Open your `flaskbb.cfg` edit `SERVER_NAME = "example.test:5000"` P.S. you can change `example.test` for any host on your PC and don't forget to write it into /etc/hosts ``` SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:////home/zero/OnyxForum/flaskbb.sqlite" SQLALCHEMY_BINDS = { "hub": "mysql://username:password@localhost/onyx?charset=utf8mb4", "chaotic": "mysql://username:password@localhost/chaotic?charset=utf8mb4" } ``` `PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME = "https"` ``` # Don't send secure cookies over an unencrypted connection () SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = False # Don't make cookies available to JS (XSS) - browsers hide httpOnly cookies from JS SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY = False ``` Add to the end: ``` DISCORD_CLIENT_ID = [Place_Client_ID_Here] DISCORD_CLIENT_SECRET = "[Place_Client_Secret_Here]" DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI = "http://example.test:5000/auth/discord-callback" #Site need to be equal SERVER_NAME DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN = "[Place_Bot_Token_Here]" DEBUG_TB_INTERCEPT_REDIRECTS = False ``` * Make your discord bot and replace placeholders in `flaskbb.cfg` which we added earlier [Developers Applications]( [Guide to them]( Add redirect to your DISCORD_REDIRECT_URI * Enable OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT `export OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT=1` * Compile themes ``` cd ./flaskbb/themes/onyx && npm run build:all cd ../aurora && npm run build:all ``` ### Starting this monster: ``` make install #Need to be written once make run ``` Ignore any errors at `make install` it's executing once time * Go to your `SERVER_NAME` and log in * Change your `primary_group_id` in `flaskbb.sqlite -> users` to `1` * Refresh page. Congrats you're now Admin * Go to `http://example.test:5000/admin/ -> Settings -> Appearance Settings -> Default Theme = Onyx -> Save` * Go to `http://example.test:5000/admin/ -> Plugins -> Portal -> Disable` # DB setup * Add `ruble` to `onyx -> money_currencies` * Add `donation` to `onyx -> point_transaction_types` * Add `other` to `onyx -> point_transaction_types` * Add `any` to `onyx -> donations_types` * Add `discord_id` and your `discord_nickname` to `onyx -> dicord_users` * Add patron type to onyx -> `onyx -> patrons_type` * Add yourself to `onyx -> players` # BYOND setup * [Download BYOND]( * Unzip it where you want * `sudo make install` * Git clone our build * `git clone` * Compile it: * `~/byond/bin/DreamMaker ~/OnyxBay/baystation12.dme` `touch /etc/systemd/system/onyx.service` ``` [Unit] Description=Onyx SS13 Server [Service] Type=simple User=[change to current user] Restart=always RestartSec=10 ExecStart=/home/user/byond/bin/DreamDaemon /home/user/OnyxBay/baystation12.dmb 2505 -trusted -core -invisible WorkingDirectory=/home/user/OnyxBay ``` ### Dont forget to change directories * Restart daemon `systemctl daemon-reload` * `touch modules/hub/hub/` * Write this: ``` import attr from typing import List, Dict @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ServerDescriptor: id: str name: str service_name: str path: str branch_name: str dream_maker_binary: str dme_name: str base_permission: str additional_permission: str management_permission: str discord_full_access_titles: List[str] discord_base_access_titles: List[str] discord_role_to_group: Dict[str, int] configs_path: str configs_exclude: List[str] logs_path: str servers_config = [ ServerDescriptor( id="chaotic", name="Chaotic Onyx", service_name="onyx.service", path="~/OnyxBay/", branch_name="release/chaotic", dream_maker_binary="DreamMaker", dme_name="baystation12.dme", base_permission="onyx_base", additional_permission="onyx_additional", management_permission="onyx_management", discord_full_access_titles=[ ], discord_base_access_titles=[ ], discord_role_to_group = { }, configs_path="~/OnyxBay/config/", configs_exclude=["dbconfig.txt", "dbconfig_docker.txt"], logs_path="~/OnyxBay/data/logs") ] ``` # Misc * For hub log **Don't forget change ** ``` mkdir logs/ touch logs//update.log touch logs//server.log ```
Zert0X commented 2 years ago


Zert0X commented 2 years ago

Закрыто в связи с улучшениями в #69