CharaChorder / CCOS-firmware

CharaChorder Operating System
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Defect: Can't close some impulse prompts with `esc` on num or func layers #82

Open duianto opened 5 months ago

duianto commented 5 months ago

Describe the bug

When esc is mapped to the number or function layers. Then nothing happens at the second or third (compound chord) impulse prompts when pressing:

This works:

To Reproduce

  1. Remap esc to all three layers. for example:
    • main layer: left mouse north (or default mapping on either thumb 3 south)
    • number layer: left ring west (with default number layer keys on left pinky west, right pinky east)
    • function layer: left mouse east (with default function layer keys on left or right pinky 3d press, or on right mouse south)
  2. Open and focus a text editor, for example: notepad++
  3. Press i DUP to show the first impulse prompt: >I<mpulse output:
  4. Press a to add an example output.
  5. Press enter to confirm the output and open the second impulse prompt: >I<mpulse input(1):
  6. Press number esc or function esc

Observed behavior Nothing happens.

The same thing happens from the third impulse prompt (compound cord): >I<mpulse input(2): The third impulse prompt is accessed with shift enter from the second impulse prompt: >I<mpulse input(1):

Expected behavior The impulse prompt should be erased.

This happens when esc is pressed on the main layer, from all three impulse prompts.

Numshift esc or Function esc only works from the first impulse prompt.

Please complete the following information:

Additional context

The steps and behaviors above are reproducible when the setting: Compound Chording is Enabled or Disabled.

duianto commented 5 months ago

The same thing happens with the GTM (both pinkies north).

Doesn't close

numshift esc (esc mapped to numshift left ring west)


esc on the main layer (esc mapped to left mouse north).