All occurences of Dev_W_fine could be changed to be taken from the hermitian array of Dev_W_H_fine_real (and also this name has to be changed).
This could be achieved by utilizing &Dev_W_H_fine_real[Grid_fine.N].
Both variables are set in the translate...-function, the creation could therefore be easily changed. Usage however is a bit more complicated, as Dev_W_fine is used very often.
Actually, Dev_W_fine is used only for storing purposes. However, before it is used it is computed newly again anyways, so trash variables can be used here.
All occurences of Dev_W_fine could be changed to be taken from the hermitian array of Dev_W_H_fine_real (and also this name has to be changed). This could be achieved by utilizing &Dev_W_H_fine_real[Grid_fine.N]. Both variables are set in the translate...-function, the creation could therefore be easily changed. Usage however is a bit more complicated, as Dev_W_fine is used very often.