Charcoal-SE / SmokeDetector

Headless chatbot that detects spam and posts links to it in chatrooms for quick deletion.
Apache License 2.0
464 stars 175 forks source link

Fastnlight: Watch webcraftpros\.com #11942

Closed SmokeDetector closed 1 week ago

SmokeDetector commented 1 week ago

Fastnlight requests the watch of the watch_keyword webcraftpros\.com. See the MS search here and the Stack Exchange search in text, in URLs, and in code.

metasmoke commented 1 week ago

webcraftpros\.com has been seen in 1 true positive, 0 false positives, and 0 NAAs.

SmokeDetector commented 1 week ago

Approved by Ollie in Charcoal HQ

Approved with SmokeyApprove