When extracting logs, the action.txt file produced in the output folder contains lines like this:
[T[K2:_nV18:ActivityLogSection]K10:domainType[T[K2:_nV6:String]K2:_vV31:com.apple.dt.unit.cocoaUnitTest]K8:duration[T[K2:_nV6:Double]K2:_vV17:27.15935707092285]K6:result[S6:StringK2:_vV9:succeeded]K9:startTime[T[K2:_nV4:Date]K2:_vV28:2021-05-17T13:28:38.407-0400]K11:subsections[T[K2:_nV5:Array][T[K2:_nV23:ActivityLogMajorSectionK2:_s[K2:_nV18:ActivityLogSection]]K10:domainType[S6:StringK2:_vV31:com.apple.dt.unit.cocoaUnitTest]K8:duration[S6:DoubleK2:_vV18:2.3539040088653564]K6:result[S6:StringK2:_vV9:succeeded]K9:startTime[S4:DateK2:_vV28:2021-05-17T13:29:03.205-0400]K11:subsections[S5:Array[T[K2:_nV26:ActivityLogUnitTestSectionK2:_s[K2:_nV18:ActivityLogSection]]K10:domainType[S6:StringK2:_vV42:com.apple.dt.IDE.UnitTestLogSection.Worker]K8:duration[S6:DoubleK2:_vV19:0.35648107528686523]K13:emittedOutput[S6:StringK2:_vV153143:Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2021-05-17 13:29:04.920
I expect the logs to only contain the emitted logs from xcodebuild, and nothing else.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
xcparse Version: 2.1.0 - Note that I'm using 2.1.2 (master) and the version is reported incorrectly
Swift version: Apple Swift version 5.4 (swiftlang-1205.0.26.9 clang-1205.0.19.55)
XCResult version: 3.30
Crash Report
Go to Finder & do "Go -> Go To Folder" and input "~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports". If there are any crash reports with "xcparse" in the name from the time, attach to this issue please.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Run xcparse on xcresult attachment
View action.txt in output
Expected behavior
The logs should be clean and only contain xcodebuild log output
Describe the bug
When extracting logs, the
file produced in the output folder contains lines like this:I expect the logs to only contain the emitted logs from xcodebuild, and nothing else.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Crash Report Go to Finder & do "Go -> Go To Folder" and input "~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports". If there are any crash reports with "xcparse" in the name from the time, attach to this issue please.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
in outputExpected behavior The logs should be clean and only contain xcodebuild log output
Additional context Attachments:
Test-DynamicBuildkite.actions.txt Test-DynamicBuildkite.xcresult.zip