Charles445 / RLTweaker

Pack specific mod to tweak and fix miscellaneous things
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Ice and Fire Myrmex Queens Stop laying Eggs #9

Open Spydrouge opened 2 years ago

Spydrouge commented 2 years ago

I have a bug in RLCraft. The Myremex Queen of a hive in which almost every member has been eradicated is not laying eggs. If killed and replaced with another queen, that queen also will not lay eggs. She laid about three in the beginning, and then gave up.

Her eggTicks are increasing; it can be seen in an NBTFileExplorer. Also visible in the NBT: The Myrmex does have a hive, and of course is at growth stage 2.

If you use a Myrmex staff, you can see that there are about seven or so rooms in the hive, so it's not a population cap problem, and the hive is of course set to 'enable reproduction.'

After looking at the Ice and Fire github code for Myrmex Queens, I couldn't come up with an explanation for why she ever stopped laying eggs. Is there any possibility RLTweaker has accidentally interfered with the egg laying code in attempting to stop the hive spam?

The only additional thing I can think of that might be relevant is that early on the game, around the same time she stopped laying eggs, there was a strange moment where she was near a freshly hatched royal and there was a heart particle effect around her, which doesn't seem to make any sense--that's something two royals should do, not a Queen and a Royal. Somewhere around that time she also stopped laying eggs.

Charles445 commented 2 years ago

I haven't heard of this happening, but you could try changing the config temporarily and see if they suddenly start egg laying In rltweaker.cfg, set iafFixMyrmexQueenHiveSpam to false and see if that suddenly fixes it

Spydrouge commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try; I was really bewildered because it doesn't feel like there's anything in any code for the mod that would cause the egg-laying to stop, unless something is turning the air blocks into... something that isn't an air block, or otherwise causing the Myrmex Queen's ability to calculate where those airblocks are to fail.