Charles445 / SimpleDifficulty

Difficulty mod based on Tough as Nails
MIT License
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[Suggestion] Temperature Sensor Block #7

Open Keetarin opened 4 years ago

Keetarin commented 4 years ago

Honestly, being able to control the chillers / heaters in a large base automatically would be nice, especially when using serene seasons, automated air conditioning anyone.

Charles445 commented 3 years ago

I tried implementing this, and ran into a couple of performance issues on my end due to how the system works.

That, and there was a funny feedback loop - if the sensor detects heat and turns a chiller on, the chiller cools the sensor down and turns itself off.

Hopefully the season sensors will work well enough for you, as I've so far failed to implement a decent version of this idea.

Keetarin commented 3 years ago

You could make it work similar to the vanilla daylight sensors and toggle between being activated by cold/heat and leave the more complicated Redstone to the players. Edit: a simple solution would be to distance the sensor away from the chillers/heaters, thus making it so that when its cold outside your base, the heating system is on inside your base and vice versa. Besides it doesn't need to check often.

MrRedstoneA1 commented 1 year ago

It would be nice to have some sort of analog control over the heaters and chillers. They could respond to redstone signal strenght or add a temperature dial or even new "thermistor heaters/chillers" which will automatically stabilize temperature, much like heaters irl. They could consume fuel or energy and have a dial for setting the target temperature, with energy/fuel consumption scaling with it. I would personally love the thermistor variants, as they would always keep temperature at neutral.