CharlesGameDev / GrubNames

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Functionality with grub rando #2

Open The-furf-of-July opened 9 months ago

The-furf-of-July commented 9 months ago

This mod causes issues when grubs are randomised.

My idea for how to adjust it would be to have it randomly display one name at a time as you get random grubs. For example, randomize the list, then display name 1 for grub 1, name 2 for the second grub collected, etc.

CharlesGameDev commented 9 months ago

What are the issues that it's causing?

The-furf-of-July commented 9 months ago

The names appear to be tied to the check location, rather than the randomised grubs. As a result, it still gives the standard "A Grub! (#3)" text for grubs, but whatever item is found where a grub used to be, is now replaced with the grub names. (which on a side note, I don't think the default set of names being Grub_Location_Name is ideal)

This is particularly problematic with obtained stags/benchwarps/walls, since the name of the thing unlocked is much more difficult to check.

CharlesGameDev commented 9 months ago

Oh, I see. I'll try to get a fix for that out soon. Thanks for letting me know!

octylFractal commented 3 months ago

Any update on this? I've unfortunately had to disable the mod while running randomizer due to this.