CharlesJB / ENCODExplorer

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missing function queryConsensusPeaks in Bioc v.2.10.0 #51

Closed gaiatek closed 4 years ago

gaiatek commented 4 years ago


I am trying to follow the bioconductor vignette for ENCODEExplorer and when I try to obtain consensus Peaks from ChIP-Seq (section 5.1) I get the following error:

res = queryConsensusPeaks("22Rv1", "GRCh38", "CTCF")
Error in queryConsensusPeaks("22Rv1", "GRCh38", "CTCF"): 
  could not find function "queryConsensusPeaks"

It looks like the function is not part of the package anymore? I also looked into package ENCODExplorerData, but to no avail... Could you point me to the function? thanks!

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ericfournier2 commented 4 years ago


I don't know about version ENCODExplorer version 2.10 (which probably was in BioConductor release 2.9), but the function is definitely in ENCODExplorer 2.12.1, the one in the current BioConductor release (Bioc 2.10). Is there a reason why you can't switch to that one?

Cheers, -Eric

gaiatek commented 4 years ago

Thanks Eric! Using version 2.12.1 has fixed the issue.