CharlieDigital / chrlschn

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blog/2024/01/a-conceptual-model-of-state-in-vue-34-using-definemodel/ #5

Open utterances-bot opened 5 months ago

utterances-bot commented 5 months ago

@chrlschn - A Conceptual Model of State in Vue 3.4

A guide to understanding how to think about state and components in Vue with the game changing defineModel

clabnet commented 5 months ago

One of best review of defineModel feature. Many thank's.

CharlieDigital commented 5 months ago

@clabnet Thanks for taking the time to read it and sharing your feedback! Truly appreciate it :)

altrusl commented 4 months ago

Agree Nice article and proper composable usage

DavidDeSloovere commented 4 months ago

Great blog post. 100% correct obvervation that the props+emits pattern is too much work and cause devs (including some time) to cut corners.