making them geography instead would be more convenient from a visualization and analytics perspective (eg, could easily set join condition in terms of meters/miles)
How can I get started?
make a copy of the db and recreate it/reload data with fields changed to geography
Definition of Done
How do we know this task is done?
When all raw tables and analytics tables have been updated with geography fields and joins can be specified in terms of meters/kilometers
What is the Task
Change geometry fields to geography
Why do we want to do this
making them geography instead would be more convenient from a visualization and analytics perspective (eg, could easily set join condition in terms of meters/miles)
How can I get started?
make a copy of the db and recreate it/reload data with fields changed to geography
Definition of Done
How do we know this task is done? When all raw tables and analytics tables have been updated with geography fields and joins can be specified in terms of meters/kilometers