CharlotteJackson / DC_Crash_Bot

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Unresolved Traffic Safety Questions #55

Open banjtheman opened 3 years ago

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

What is the Task

What questions can people work on to solve traffic safety questions

Why do we want to do this

To give people actionable items to look at

How can I get started?

Here is a list of questions

Definition of Done

We have solved traffic safety 🥇

meljameson commented 3 years ago

Do we want to bust the questions out into separate tickets? How does ownership of tickets usually work?

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

Do we want to bust the questions out into separate tickets? How does ownership of tickets usually work?

Yea if there is a question you would like to work on, make a new ticket for that question and highlight you are working on it in the doc

eichler4dc commented 3 years ago

There is currently discussion online about putting the 311 Traffic Safety Assessment requests into a dashboard. I took a first stab at this and put it online via Tableau Public.!/vizhome/311TrafficSafetyReports-Exploration/Dashboard1

The big issue here for me is that the addressing in the TSAs are not consistent. Most have a Master Address Repository (MAR) ID, some have an Intersection ID. Many have both, a few have neither. As you can see from the viz, mapping the individual locations just doesn't read at a District-wide scale. I would like to map these all to SOMETHING consistent that we can view on a city-wide map that is actually readable.

Option 1: investigate the master address repository and find out how to map each address to one roadway block, then aggregate this data by block (like I did with crashes)

Option 2: perform some geospatial analysis in the GIS database to link each TSA to the nearest intersection and assign that intersection's ID to the TSA record.

Data requests:

CharlotteJackson commented 3 years ago

This is awesome, Michael! Let me think about it, but there are definitely a couple fields we could either join in or bring in from the source data. Let's discuss at the next meetup!

CharlotteJackson commented 3 years ago

Actually Michael can you try now? I updated the 311 table to bring in the nearest intersection ID within 30 meters and the nearest roadway blockkey within 40 meters. (It's possible that linking on the MAR ID where available would be a better way to do this - I'm investigating.) Are those the fields you need?