CharlotteJackson / DC_Crash_Bot

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Create updated Vision Zero Risk Analysis Model #76

Open banjtheman opened 3 years ago

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

What is the Task

Create a predictive model to anticipate which roads are most likely to have traffic crashes in Washington, DC.

Why do we want to do this

To better understand where we should focus our traffic safety priorities

How can I get started?

DDOT was interested in having this model and commissioned a firm to create it for them. This is the final report

We will want to build upon their research and create a model that's most important feature isn't the length of the road... image

This task will require sub-tasks, which will we create accordingly as we identify individuals that would like to work on this epic.

Definition of Done

We have a model in production :)

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

The end goal for this model would be to use it in a site like this

banjtheman commented 3 years ago

Here is my outline for this project