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Test2 fichier complet après validation dans le validator en ligne #69

Closed aimelle closed 6 years ago

aimelle commented 6 years ago

Du coup pour que tout marche sur Travis :

L'encodingDesc c'est ça :

            <!-- la capitainisation -->
            <refsDecl n="CTS">
                <cRefPattern n="section" corresp="4" matchPattern="(\w+).(\w+).(\w+).(\w+).(\w+)"
                    <p>This pointer pattern extracts edition, parts, books, chapters and
                <cRefPattern n="chapter" corresp="3" matchPattern="(\w+).(\w+).(\w+).(\w+)"
                    <p>This pointer pattern extracts edition, parts, books, and chapters.</p>
                <cRefPattern n="book" corresp="2" matchPattern="(\w+).(\w+).(\w+)"
                    <p>This pointer pattern extracts edition, parts, and books.</p>
                <cRefPattern n="part" corresp="1" matchPattern="(\w+).(\w+)"
                    <p>This pointer pattern extracts edition and parts.</p>
            <refsDecl n="TEI">
                <refState unit="part"/>
                <refState unit="book"/>
                <refState unit="chapter"/>
                <refState unit="section"/>

et sous le TeiHeader ça commence comme ça :

<text xml:lang="lat" xml:base="urn:cts:latinLit:phi0914.phi001.perseus-lat1">
            <div xml:lang="lat" type="edition" n="urn:cts:latinLit:phi0914.phi001.perseus-lat1">
                <div type="textpart" subtype="part" n="1">
                    <div type="textpart" subtype="book" n="index">