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Add Privacy Manifest #5141

Closed wlxo0401 closed 5 months ago

wlxo0401 commented 6 months ago

Issue Link 🔗

Goals ⚽ add Privacy Manifest

Implementation Details 🚧

Testing Details 🔍

I checked with CodeBase and thought 'DGCharts' had nothing to add to PrivacyInfo.

I think it will take a lot of people's opinions and tests to complete this.

Please check my PR and feel free to comment.

This resolves

wlxo0401 commented 5 months ago

Oh, my God. How do I fix this? "Some checks were not successful"

pmairoldi commented 5 months ago

If you want to test it out locally you can run pod lib lint. I think the path is wrong in the podspec. Seems like there is an extra s. Should be Source instead of Sources no?

wlxo0401 commented 5 months ago

If you want to test it out locally you can run pod lib lint. I think the path is wrong in the podspec. Seems like there is an extra s. Should be Source instead of Sources no?

I changed it from s.resource_bundles = {"DGCharts" => ["Sources/Charts/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"]}


s.resource_bundles = {"DGCharts" => ["Source/Charts/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy"]}

wlxo0401 commented 5 months ago

@pmairoldi Thank you. we caught the error.

wlxo0401 commented 5 months ago

I didn't set a target for PrivacyInfo, so I added a setting.

I don't know if this is necessary, but please review it.

wlxo0401 commented 5 months ago


Thank you for accepting the PR.

However, I think it is also necessary to make sure that this is applied properly as Apple demanded.

And I think other users will have to check it out a lot.

If this is wrong, an immediate response may also be needed..

When is the new release that includes this??

Once again, thank you for your care in a busy time.