ChasakisD / XFShimmerLayout

Efficient way to add a shimmering effect to your Xamarin.Forms applications.
Apache License 2.0
53 stars 12 forks source link

Doesn't support older PCL projects profiles #1

Closed alvynfash closed 4 years ago

alvynfash commented 5 years ago

Fails to install on PCL projects with Profile49 etc with message:

"Could not install package 'XFShimmerLayout 1.0.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile49', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author."

Seems to be targeting netStandard 2.0

ChasakisD commented 5 years ago

This project targets .Net Standard 2.0. in order to add it to your project, you must not have a PCL but a .Net Standard project.

alvynfash commented 5 years ago

Can you add backward compatibility as many older projects haven’t migrated just yet. The drawing engine that this olugin uses itself supports older PCLs so it shouldn’t be a problem either. Thanks

ChasakisD commented 5 years ago

Currently VS 2019 both for Windows and Mac, are not able to create PCL Project. Feel free to create a PCL Project if you are able to and PR it. After that, i will make it backwards compatible :)

alvynfash commented 5 years ago

Hi, I made a PR some days ago with your demands, any updates?

ChasakisD commented 5 years ago

Sorry for my late response, at this moment, this is my exams period so my time is limited. I will check it as soon as possible :)

alvynfash commented 5 years ago

@ChasakisD Hope exams are great, any updates so far ?

ChasakisD commented 5 years ago

Hi @alvynfash, i was thinking out a way to not duplicate all the code, but creating a project that will be out code base, and then we will have 2 sub projects, one .net standard and one pcl to reference that assembly. Although i do not think if it is worth supporting pcl's anymore, cuz it is very simple to migrate to .net standard.

alvynfash commented 5 years ago

@ChasakisD while migration indeed is straight-forward, Enterprise-level projects are a bit trickier to migrate as there's a whole stack of dependencies. I believe you can simply use the "Bait and switch with .NET Standard" like most do to allow backward compability as described in this link :

alvynfash commented 4 years ago

@ChasakisD any updates? I guess you had a good run till now that they've gone ahead and implemented this =>