Closed MichalGolaszewski closed 7 months ago
Update: Confirmed it to be the case, even if PC crits are set to use Token arts, instead of portraits
Hi, try again on newest update and let me know if you have issues (11.9.3).
The warning you're seeing shouldn't be an issue, as I am aware of it, and am working to find a better wah to access said data that will work for future updates.
Thank you, works like a charm now :)
The warning you're seeing shouldn't be an issue, as I am aware of it, and am working to find a better way to access said data that will work for future updates.
Yeah, that's fair. Just wanted to note anything of use, while I was at it.
Let me preface this with the fact that my world runs a lot of modules, so while I think the conflict is unlikely, it is not out of the question.
## My settings:
![image]( ### This + Debug enabledAnd here's what I was able to scrap from around my world about the issue:
All crits were forced using manual rolls (works on NPCs)
### An error thrown for PC attack roll
![image]( Object logged beforehand:
``` { "msg": { "user": "pzY3m5I7G5fBoDSe", "type": 5, "content": "28", "sound": "sounds/dice.wav", "speaker": { "scene": "BDb75TAOyhTzNzte", "token": "8vaJtwdrRSXk6JcQ", "actor": "gmVVlKjQp0mMuG1M", "alias": "Altazar" }, "flavor": "Cios Dystansowy: Łuk Krótki
Śmiercionośność k10Inkrement Zasięgu 60 stóp
### Object logged on a nat20 NPC skill check (nothing happens in-game)
``` { "msg": { "user": "pzY3m5I7G5fBoDSe", "type": 5, "content": "22", "sound": "sounds/dice.wav", "speaker": { "scene": "BDb75TAOyhTzNzte", "token": "Xonl6dxECe9Q9mGx", "actor": "KSFGGxU3qxYJzWpe", "alias": "Morlok Łupieżca" }, "flavor": "Test Siły", "flags": { "pf2e": { "context": { "type": "" }, "origin": null }, "core": { "canPopout": true }, "df-chat-enhance": { "ChatTime": { "WorldTime": -43117326 } }, "foundryvtt-simple-calendar": { "sc-timestamps": { "id": "default", "timestamp": -43117326 } }, "pf2e-dorako-ux": { "userAvatar": { "name": "Morlok Łupieżca", "image": "", "type": "avatar" }, "combatantAvatar": null, "tokenAvatar": { "name": "Morlok Łupieżca", "image": "modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/bestiary-tokens/ch-02/morlock-scavenger.webp", "type": "token", "scale": 0.8, "isSmall": true }, "actorAvatar": { "name": "Morlok Łupieżca", "image": "modules/pf2e-abomination-vaults/assets/bestiary-portraits/ch-02/morlock-scavenger.webp", "type": "actor" }, "wasTokenHidden": false } }, "rolls": [ "{\"class\":\"Roll\",\"options\":{},\"dice\":[],\"formula\":\"1d20 + 2\",\"terms\":[{\"class\":\"Die\",\"options\":{},\"evaluated\":true,\"number\":1,\"faces\":20,\"modifiers\":[],\"results\":[{\"result\":20,\"active\":true}]},{\"class\":\"OperatorTerm\",\"options\":{},\"evaluated\":true,\"operator\":\"+\"},{\"class\":\"NumericTerm\",\"options\":{},\"evaluated\":true,\"number\":2}],\"total\":22,\"evaluated\":true}" ], "_id": "cgDNCxkGqBZWEz6o", "timestamp": 1711441917318, "whisper": [], "blind": false, "emote": false } } ```### Object logged on nat20 PC skill check (nothing happens in-game):
``` { "msg": { "user": "pzY3m5I7G5fBoDSe", "type": 5, "content": "22", "sound": "sounds/dice.wav", "speaker": { "scene": "BDb75TAOyhTzNzte", "token": "IRp70kwtETmsWEU8", "actor": "vDcoC8iYaRJfgZ1s", "alias": "Luigios" }, "flavor": "Test Umiejętności: Przyroda
Additionally even on a successfull NPC crit attack animation, the following warnings get logged: