Chasmical / RogueLibs

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[Feature] Rewrite Vanilla Interactions #54

Closed Chasmical closed 2 years ago

Chasmical commented 2 years ago

Describe the problem

There's a ton of vanilla interactions to rewrite and objects to patch. This issue will track the current progress.

Describe the solution

✅(?)Agent, ✅AirConditioner, ✅AlarmButton, ✅Altar, ✅AmmoDispenser, ✅ArcadeGame, ✅ATMMachine, ✅AugmentationBooth, ✅Barbecue, ✅BarbedWire, ✅Bars, ✅BarStool, ✅Bathtub, ✅Bed, ✅Boulder, ✅BoulderSmall, ✅Bush, ✅CapsuleMachine, ✅Chair, ✅ChestBasic, ✅CloneMachine, ✅Computer, ✅Counter, ✅Crate, ✅Desk, ✅Door, ✅Elevator, ✅ExplodingBarrel, ✅FireHydrant, ✅Fireplace, ✅FireSpewer, ✅FlameGrate, ✅FlamingBarrel, ✅GasVent, ✅Generator, ✅Generator2, ✅Gravestone, ✅(?)Item, ✅Jukebox, ✅KillerPlant, ✅Lamp, ✅LaserEmitter, ✅LoadoutMachine, ✅LockdownWall, ✅Manhole, ✅MineCart, ✅MovieScreen, ✅PawnShopMachine, ✅Plant, ✅Podium, ✅PoliceBox, ✅PoolTable, ✅PowerBox, ✅Refrigerator, ✅Safe, ✅SatelliteDish, ✅SawBlade, ✅SecurityCam, ✅Shelf, ✅Sign, ✅SlimeBarrel, ✅SlimePuddle, ✅SlotMachine, ✅Speaker, ✅Stove, ✅SwitchBasic, ✅Table, ✅TableBig, ✅Television, ✅Toilet, ✅Train, ✅TrapDoor, ✅TrashCan, ✅Tree, ✅Tube, ✅Turntables, ✅Turret, ✅VendorCart, ✅WasteBasket, ✅WaterPump, ✅Well, ✅Window.

Legend: ❌ - not implemented, 🔹 - not tested, 🔸 - testing failed, ✅ - implemented, (?) - may be tricky to implement.

Describe the alternatives

No response

Chasmical commented 2 years ago

Oh my god, I have done it.