Chassis / Composer

An extensions to install Composer on your Chassis box
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Duplicate declaration error (attributed to Composer extension) #5

Closed tdlm closed 6 years ago

tdlm commented 6 years ago

Getting the following error on provision:

==> default: Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[php7.0-dev] is already declared in file /vagrant/extensions/phpcs/modules/phpcs/manifests/init.pp:24; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/extensions/composer/modules/composer/manifests/init.pp:13 on node eh.local
==> default: Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[php7.0-dev] is already declared in file /vagrant/extensions/phpcs/modules/phpcs/manifests/init.pp:24; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/extensions/composer/modules/composer/manifests/init.pp:13 on node eh.local

We're specifying the following extensions:

- chassis/xdebug
- chassis/sequelpro
- chassis/cavalcade
- chassis/mailhog
- chassis/memcache
- chassis/composer
- chassis/phpcs
mikeselander commented 5 years ago

fwiw I still get this error on a fresh install of Chassis and Composer.

==> default: Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[php7.0-cli] is already declared in file /vagrant/extensions/Composer/modules/composer/manifests/init.pp:48; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/puppet/modules/chassis/manifests/php.pp:106 on node client.local
==> default: Error: Duplicate declaration: Package[php7.0-cli] is already declared in file /vagrant/extensions/Composer/modules/composer/manifests/init.pp:48; cannot redeclare at /vagrant/puppet/modules/chassis/manifests/php.pp:106 on node client.local
rmccue commented 5 years ago

This appears to be unrelated, and was from an outdated version of Chassis.