Chassis / Debugging

A Chassis extension that installs and activates commonly used debugging plugins
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Plugins not installed when using non-standard content directory #6

Closed mikeselander closed 6 years ago

mikeselander commented 6 years ago

When using the below directory setup and path routing, and activating the Debugging extension, the debugging plugins are neither pulled down locally nor installed.

 - /chassis (Everything Chassis)
   - config.local.yaml (Basic overrides
 - /content (Actual used content directory)
   - config.local.yaml (Installation-specific overrides)
 - /wordpress (WordPress used on platform)
  base: ..
  content: content
  wp: wordpress

The extension is defined in /chassis/config.local.yaml

BronsonQuick commented 6 years ago

@mikeselander Hey Sir! Sorry for the delay on this one. I just saw and was looking into this. I have a project setup with the exact same setup as you have above.

    base: ..
    content: content
    wp: wordpress
    - client.local
multisite: true

# Define database prefix, since we have tests as well
    name: wordpress
    user: wordpress
    password: vagrantpassword
    prefix: wp_
# Define the extensions we want
    - chassis/xdebug
    - chassis/sequelpro
    - chassis/cavalcade
    - chassis/mailhog
    - chassis/composer
    - chassis/phpcs
    - chassis/mailhog
    - chassis/chassis-elasticsearch
    - chassis/intl
    - chassis/phpini
    - chassis/debugging
    version: '5.3.3'
    - /chassis/content/plugins-mu/vendor/memcached-adapter
    - /chassis/content/plugins-mu/vendor/simple-cache-bridge
    - /chassis/content/plugins-mu/vendor/PhpSpreadsheet
    - chassis/chassis-xhgui
php: 7.2

This installed and activated the plugins in the Debugging extension for me correctly.

Do you think I should maybe try it as a single site installation?

Could you please shoot me through all your configs with the client url changes or let me know what errors you see when you run vagrant provision? Thanks!

mikeselander commented 6 years ago

@BronsonQuick this is a single-site installation that I'm dealing with, but I can't imagine why that would be any different 🤔

That is also quite a different config than we have on the install that is the problem-causer. You can find that config here:

BronsonQuick commented 6 years ago

I've been digging into this further and I've realised that plugins aren't being installed on a fresh vagrant up but they are installed in a custom content directory with a vagrant provision after an initial up.