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[Bug] Cloudflare 部署错误 #4786

Open xzygreen opened 1 month ago

xzygreen commented 1 month ago

Bug Description

用Cloudflare 部署出现问题,提示“以下路由未配置为与 Edge Runtime 一起运行”

Steps to Reproduce

1.点击部署 2.静等 3.出现如下错误

截屏2024-05-27 20 47 44

Expected Behavior



截屏2024-05-27 20 47 44

Deployment Method

Desktop OS

Mac OS 14.1.1

Desktop Browser


Desktop Browser Version

125.0.6422.41(正式版本)beta (arm64)

Smartphone Device

No response

Smartphone OS

No response

Smartphone Browser

No response

Smartphone Browser Version

No response

Additional Logs

2024-05-27T12:37:55.369202826Z Cloning repository... 2024-05-27T12:37:56.114777294Z From 2024-05-27T12:37:56.115118175Z branch da2e2372aa8490deee3fb50bd01dbdd9ca3f1dba -> FETCH_HEAD 2024-05-27T12:37:56.115149467Z
2024-05-27T12:37:56.182206111Z HEAD is now at da2e237 Merge pull request #4771 from yangxiang92/main 2024-05-27T12:37:56.182495926Z
2024-05-27T12:37:56.271693279Z Using v2 root directory strategy 2024-05-27T12:37:56.295332083Z Success: Finished cloning repository files 2024-05-27T12:37:57.875591585Z Checking for configuration in a wrangler.toml configuration file (BETA) 2024-05-27T12:37:57.876002009Z
2024-05-27T12:37:57.977131538Z No wrangler.toml file found. Continuing. 2024-05-27T12:37:58.141062291Z Detected the following tools from environment: nodejs@20.1.0, yarn@1.22.19 2024-05-27T12:37:58.141566455Z Installing nodejs 20.1.0 2024-05-27T12:37:59.103817822Z Trying to update node-build... ok 2024-05-27T12:37:59.314887213Z Downloading node-v20.1.0-linux-x64.tar.gz... 2024-05-27T12:37:59.315159922Z -> 2024-05-27T12:38:00.901555451Z Installing node-v20.1.0-linux-x64... 2024-05-27T12:38:01.284554238Z Installed node-v20.1.0-linux-x64 to /opt/buildhome/.asdf/installs/nodejs/20.1.0 2024-05-27T12:38:01.284995261Z
2024-05-27T12:38:02.711207076Z Preparing yarn@1.22.19 for immediate activation... 2024-05-27T12:38:03.356397077Z Installing project dependencies: yarn --pure-lockfile --no-progress --emoji false 2024-05-27T12:38:03.878859122Z yarn install v1.22.19 2024-05-27T12:38:03.938449118Z [1/4] Resolving packages... 2024-05-27T12:38:04.131988389Z [2/4] Fetching packages... 2024-05-27T12:37:55.369202826Z Cloning repository... 2024-05-27T12:37:56.114777294Z From 2024-05-27T12:37:56.115118175Z
branch da2e2372aa8490deee3fb50bd01dbdd9ca3f1dba -> FETCH_HEAD 2024-05-27T12:37:56.115149467Z
2024-05-27T12:37:56.182206111Z HEAD is now at da2e237 Merge pull request #4771 from yangxiang92/main 2024-05-27T12:37:56.182495926Z
2024-05-27T12:37:56.271693279Z Using v2 root directory strategy 2024-05-27T12:37:56.295332083Z Success: Finished cloning repository files 2024-05-27T12:37:57.875591585Z Checking for configuration in a wrangler.toml configuration file (BETA) 2024-05-27T12:37:57.876002009Z
2024-05-27T12:37:57.977131538Z No wrangler.toml file found. Continuing. 2024-05-27T12:37:58.141062291Z Detected the following tools from environment: nodejs@20.1.0, yarn@1.22.19 2024-05-27T12:37:58.141566455Z Installing nodejs 20.1.0 2024-05-27T12:37:59.103817822Z Trying to update node-build... ok 2024-05-27T12:37:59.314887213Z Downloading node-v20.1.0-linux-x64.tar.gz... 2024-05-27T12:37:59.315159922Z -> 2024-05-27T12:38:00.901555451Z Installing node-v20.1.0-linux-x64... 2024-05-27T12:38:01.284554238Z Installed node-v20.1.0-linux-x64 to /opt/buildhome/.asdf/installs/nodejs/20.1.0 2024-05-27T12:38:01.284995261Z
2024-05-27T12:38:02.711207076Z Preparing yarn@1.22.19 for immediate activation... 2024-05-27T12:38:03.356397077Z Installing project dependencies: yarn --pure-lockfile --no-progress --emoji false 2024-05-27T12:38:03.878859122Z yarn install v1.22.19 2024-05-27T12:38:03.938449118Z [1/4] Resolving packages... 2024-05-27T12:38:04.131988389Z [2/4] Fetching packages... 2024-05-27T12:38:32.817836941Z [3/4] Linking dependencies... 2024-05-27T12:38:38.196386871Z [4/4] Building fresh packages... 2024-05-27T12:38:38.324066335Z $ husky install 2024-05-27T12:38:38.422537463Z husky - Git hooks installed 2024-05-27T12:38:38.429738794Z Done in 34.55s. 2024-05-27T12:38:38.47267713Z Executing user command: npx @cloudflare/next-on-pages@1.5.0 2024-05-27T12:38:39.971099507Z npm WARN exec The following package was not found and will be installed: @cloudflare/next-on-pages@1.5.0 2024-05-27T12:38:50.246215202Z npm WARN deprecated rollup-plugin-inject@3.0.2: This package has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use @rollup/plugin-inject. 2024-05-27T12:38:50.390326795Z npm WARN deprecated sourcemap-codec@1.4.8: Please use @jridgewell/sourcemap-codec instead 2024-05-27T12:38:51.224470305Z npm WARN deprecated are-we-there-yet@2.0.0: This package is no longer supported. 2024-05-27T12:38:51.277134919Z npm WARN deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful. 2024-05-27T12:38:51.460725141Z npm WARN deprecated gauge@3.0.2: This package is no longer supported. 2024-05-27T12:38:51.678254654Z npm WARN deprecated @npmcli/move-file@1.1.2: This functionality has been moved to @npmcli/fs 2024-05-27T12:38:51.711935024Z npm WARN deprecated vm2@3.9.19: The library contains critical security issues and should not be used for production! The maintenance of the project has been discontinued. Consider migrating your code to isolated-vm. 2024-05-27T12:38:52.556448798Z npm WARN deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported 2024-05-27T12:38:52.602431678Z npm WARN deprecated npmlog@5.0.1: This package is no longer supported. 2024-05-27T12:38:52.683953451Z npm WARN deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported 2024-05-27T12:38:58.018764104Z ⚡️ @cloudflare/next-on-pages CLI v.1.5.0 2024-05-27T12:38:58.462914565Z ⚡️ Detected Package Manager: yarn (classic) 2024-05-27T12:38:58.463161934Z ⚡️ Preparing project... 2024-05-27T12:38:58.465401257Z ⚡️ Project is ready 2024-05-27T12:38:58.465727279Z ⚡️ Installing vercel as dev dependencies with 'yarn add vercel -D'... 2024-05-27T12:38:58.694541169Z ▲ yarn add v1.22.19 2024-05-27T12:38:58.765791024Z ▲ [1/4] Resolving packages... 2024-05-27T12:38:59.233028467Z ▲ warning vercel > @vercel/fun > debug@4.1.1: Debug versions >=3.2.0 <3.2.7 || >=4 <4.3.1 have a low-severity ReDos regression when used in a Node.js environment. It is recommended you upgrade to 3.2.7 or 4.3.1. ( 2024-05-27T12:38:59.298671205Z ▲ warning vercel > @vercel/fun > uuid@3.3.2: Please upgrade to version 7 or higher. Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic. See for details. 2024-05-27T12:38:59.426687484Z ▲ warning vercel > chokidar > fsevents@2.1.3: "Please update to latest v2.3 or v2.2" 2024-05-27T12:38:59.980825376Z ▲ warning vercel > @vercel/node > @vercel/nft > @mapbox/node-pre-gyp > npmlog@5.0.1: This package is no longer supported. 2024-05-27T12:39:00.008515096Z ▲ warning vercel > @vercel/node > @vercel/nft > @mapbox/node-pre-gyp > npmlog > gauge@3.0.2: This package is no longer supported. 2024-05-27T12:39:00.011782807Z ▲ warning vercel > @vercel/node > @vercel/nft > @mapbox/node-pre-gyp > npmlog > are-we-there-yet@2.0.0: This package is no longer supported. 2024-05-27T12:39:00.107201124Z ▲ [2/4] Fetching packages... 2024-05-27T12:39:03.914315941Z ▲ [3/4] Linking dependencies... 2024-05-27T12:39:05.994846461Z ▲ [4/4] Building fresh packages... 2024-05-27T12:39:06.224932174Z ▲ success Saved lockfile. 2024-05-27T12:39:06.28875846Z ▲ success Saved 119 new dependencies. 2024-05-27T12:39:06.288921523Z ▲ info Direct dependencies 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289322827Z ▲ └─ vercel@34.2.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289511276Z ▲ info All dependencies 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289653064Z ▲ ├─ @cspotcode/source-map-support@0.8.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289730493Z ▲ ├─ @edge-runtime/format@2.2.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289800032Z ▲ ├─ @edge-runtime/node-utils@2.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289882028Z ▲ ├─ @edge-runtime/ponyfill@2.4.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.289965839Z ▲ ├─ @fastify/busboy@2.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.290078135Z ▲ ├─ @mapbox/node-pre-gyp@1.0.11 2024-05-27T12:39:06.290179981Z ▲ ├─ @rollup/pluginutils@4.2.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.290266899Z ▲ ├─ @sinclair/typebox@0.25.24 2024-05-27T12:39:06.290391694Z ▲ ├─ @tootallnate/once@2.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.290497753Z ▲ ├─ @ts-morph/common@0.11.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.29076386Z ▲ ├─ @tsconfig/node10@1.0.11 2024-05-27T12:39:06.2908119Z ▲ ├─ @tsconfig/node12@1.0.11 2024-05-27T12:39:06.290930054Z ▲ ├─ @tsconfig/node14@1.0.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291022902Z ▲ ├─ @tsconfig/node16@1.0.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291171479Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/fun@1.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291220076Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/gatsby-plugin-vercel-analytics@1.0.11 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291321862Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/gatsby-plugin-vercel-builder@2.0.31 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291420713Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/go@3.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291617736Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/hydrogen@1.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291632609Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/next@4.2.14 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291815796Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/node@3.1.5 2024-05-27T12:39:06.291833026Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/python@4.2.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292000099Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/redwood@2.0.9 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292092062Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/remix-builder@2.1.6 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292247966Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/ruby@2.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292445603Z ▲ ├─ @vercel/static-build@2.5.9 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292577617Z ▲ ├─ abbrev@1.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292634635Z ▲ ├─ acorn-import-attributes@1.9.5 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292797102Z ▲ ├─ acorn-walk@8.3.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292813029Z ▲ ├─ acorn@8.11.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.292922779Z ▲ ├─ agent-base@6.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293045496Z ▲ ├─ any-promise@1.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293186336Z ▲ ├─ aproba@2.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293350139Z ▲ ├─ are-we-there-yet@2.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293464042Z ▲ ├─ arg@4.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293666826Z ▲ ├─ async-listen@1.2.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293732669Z ▲ ├─ async-sema@3.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293865319Z ▲ ├─ bindings@1.5.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.293977232Z ▲ ├─ buffer-crc32@0.2.13 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294153714Z ▲ ├─ bytes@3.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294169676Z ▲ ├─ chokidar@3.3.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294310696Z ▲ ├─ chownr@1.1.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294390007Z ▲ ├─ cjs-module-lexer@1.2.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294541739Z ▲ ├─ code-block-writer@10.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294593031Z ▲ ├─ color-support@1.1.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294774812Z ▲ ├─ console-control-strings@1.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294917804Z ▲ ├─ content-type@1.0.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294931064Z ▲ ├─ convert-hrtime@3.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.294989686Z ▲ ├─ create-require@1.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295211649Z ▲ ├─ delegates@1.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295225932Z ▲ ├─ depd@1.1.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295316412Z ▲ ├─ detect-libc@2.0.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295424058Z ▲ ├─ diff@4.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295505135Z ▲ ├─ edge-runtime@2.5.9 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295658692Z ▲ ├─ end-of-stream@1.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.295837682Z ▲ ├─ esbuild-linux-64@0.14.47 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296026211Z ▲ ├─ estree-walker@2.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296126357Z ▲ ├─ events-intercept@2.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296277809Z ▲ ├─ fd-slicer@1.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296395486Z ▲ ├─ file-uri-to-path@1.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296495702Z ▲ ├─ fs-extra@8.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296625285Z ▲ ├─ fs-minipass@1.2.7 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296723335Z ▲ ├─ gauge@3.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.296852142Z ▲ ├─ generic-pool@3.4.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297006536Z ▲ ├─ has-unicode@2.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297164686Z ▲ ├─ http-errors@1.4.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297196808Z ▲ ├─ https-proxy-agent@5.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297286448Z ▲ ├─ json-schema-to-ts@1.6.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297353628Z ▲ ├─ jsonfile@4.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297530922Z ▲ ├─ make-dir@3.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297633985Z ▲ ├─ make-error@1.3.6 2024-05-27T12:39:06.297654541Z ▲ ├─ micro@9.3.5-canary.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.298490516Z ▲ ├─ minizlib@1.3.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.298737258Z ▲ ├─ mkdirp@1.0.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.298931321Z ▲ ├─ node-gyp-build@4.8.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299205996Z ▲ ├─ nopt@5.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299215596Z ▲ ├─ npmlog@5.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299220648Z ▲ ├─ os-paths@4.4.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299367871Z ▲ ├─ p-finally@2.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299468527Z ▲ ├─ parse-ms@2.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299554548Z ▲ ├─ path-browserify@1.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299650451Z ▲ ├─ path-match@1.2.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299774554Z ▲ ├─ path-to-regexp@6.2.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.299897646Z ▲ ├─ pend@1.2.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.30005462Z ▲ ├─ pretty-ms@7.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.300425717Z ▲ ├─ promisepipe@3.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.300440122Z ▲ ├─ pump@3.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.300517428Z ▲ ├─ raw-body@2.4.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.300798938Z ▲ ├─ readable-stream@3.6.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.300869474Z ▲ ├─ readdirp@3.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301102476Z ▲ ├─ require-from-string@2.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301216224Z ▲ ├─ set-blocking@2.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301290726Z ▲ ├─ setprototypeof@1.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301306256Z ▲ ├─ stat-mode@0.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301349054Z ▲ ├─ statuses@1.5.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301524348Z ▲ ├─ stream-to-array@2.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301775611Z ▲ ├─ stream-to-promise@2.2.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301794638Z ▲ ├─ string_decoder@1.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301801748Z ▲ ├─ tar@4.4.18 2024-05-27T12:39:06.301919531Z ▲ ├─ time-span@4.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302018974Z ▲ ├─ toidentifier@1.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302084095Z ▲ ├─ tr46@0.0.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302157073Z ▲ ├─ tree-kill@1.2.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302257161Z ▲ ├─ ts-toolbelt@6.15.5 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302325464Z ▲ ├─ uid-promise@1.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302526716Z ▲ ├─ undici@5.26.5 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302536336Z ▲ ├─ unpipe@1.0.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302541158Z ▲ ├─ util-deprecate@1.0.2 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302629958Z ▲ ├─ v8-compile-cache-lib@3.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302696494Z ▲ ├─ vercel@34.2.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.30270998Z ▲ ├─ web-vitals@0.2.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.302796407Z ▲ ├─ webidl-conversions@3.0.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303215431Z ▲ ├─ wide-align@1.1.5 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303236125Z ▲ ├─ xdg-app-paths@5.1.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303241157Z ▲ ├─ xdg-portable@7.3.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303245781Z ▲ ├─ yauzl-clone@1.0.4 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303259561Z ▲ ├─ yauzl-promise@2.1.3 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303264216Z ▲ ├─ yauzl@2.10.0 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303268859Z ▲ └─ yn@3.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:06.303336001Z ▲ $ husky install 2024-05-27T12:39:06.384759498Z ▲ husky - Git hooks installed 2024-05-27T12:39:06.391479489Z ▲ Done in 7.70s. 2024-05-27T12:39:06.445983686Z ⚡️ Install completed 2024-05-27T12:39:06.446189996Z ⚡️ Building project... 2024-05-27T12:39:06.683149771Z ▲ yarn run v1.22.19 2024-05-27T12:39:06.707427658Z ▲ $ /opt/buildhome/repo/node_modules/.bin/vercel build 2024-05-27T12:39:07.128632854Z ▲ Vercel CLI 34.2.3 2024-05-27T12:39:07.411872813Z ▲ Installing dependencies... 2024-05-27T12:39:07.658702676Z ▲ [1/4] Resolving packages... 2024-05-27T12:39:07.909021535Z ▲ success Already up-to-date. 2024-05-27T12:39:07.917810297Z ▲ $ husky install 2024-05-27T12:39:08.001645047Z ▲ husky - Git hooks installed 2024-05-27T12:39:08.027948815Z ▲ Detected Next.js version: 14.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:08.030135117Z ▲ Running "yarn run build" 2024-05-27T12:39:08.240329589Z ▲ $ cross-env BUILD_MODE=standalone next build 2024-05-27T12:39:08.870913044Z ▲ [Next] build mode standalone 2024-05-27T12:39:08.871416166Z ▲ [Next] build with chunk: true 2024-05-27T12:39:08.88661264Z ▲ Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage. 2024-05-27T12:39:08.886883732Z ▲ This information is used to shape Next.js' roadmap and prioritize features. 2024-05-27T12:39:08.886900272Z ▲ You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you'd not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL: 2024-05-27T12:39:08.887296425Z ▲ 2024-05-27T12:39:08.99140369Z ▲ ▲ Next.js 14.1.1 2024-05-27T12:39:09.063526994Z ▲ - Experiments (use at your own risk): 2024-05-27T12:39:09.072980019Z ▲ · forceSwcTransforms 2024-05-27T12:39:09.073004253Z ▲
2024-05-27T12:39:09.116126733Z ▲ Creating an optimized production build ... 2024-05-27T12:39:12.278029327Z ▲ ⚠ For production Image Optimization with Next.js, the optional 'sharp' package is strongly recommended. Run 'npm i sharp', and Next.js will use it automatically for Image Optimization. 2024-05-27T12:39:12.3714917Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:32.232964789Z ▲ ✓ Compiled successfully 2024-05-27T12:40:32.234016488Z ▲ Linting and checking validity of types ... 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808029373Z ▲ ./app/components/chat.tsx 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808078304Z ▲ 490:6 Warning: React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'props'. Either include it or remove the dependency array. However, 'props' will change when any prop changes, so the preferred fix is to destructure the 'props' object outside of the useEffect call and refer to those specific props inside useEffect. react-hooks/exhaustive-deps 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808097338Z ▲ 1427:23 Warning: Using <img> could result in slower LCP and higher bandwidth. Consider using <Image /> from next/image to automatically optimize images. This may incur additional usage or cost from your provider. See: @next/next/no-img-element 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808102382Z ▲ 1444:29 Warning: Using <img> could result in slower LCP and higher bandwidth. Consider using <Image /> from next/image to automatically optimize images. This may incur additional usage or cost from your provider. See: @next/next/no-img-element 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808106444Z ▲
2024-05-27T12:40:35.808109694Z ▲ ./app/utils/hooks.ts 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808113758Z ▲ 14:6 Warning: React Hook useMemo has a missing dependency: 'accessStore.defaultModel'. Either include it or remove the dependency array. react-hooks/exhaustive-deps 2024-05-27T12:40:35.808116805Z ▲
2024-05-27T12:40:35.808120349Z ▲ info - Need to disable some ESLint rules? Learn more here: 2024-05-27T12:40:37.298151208Z ▲ Collecting page data ... 2024-05-27T12:40:38.707566181Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:38.707611075Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:38.727435299Z ▲ ⚠ Using edge runtime on a page currently disables static generation for that page 2024-05-27T12:40:38.72746845Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:38.727474321Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:38.729760526Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:38.73014618Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:38.73442479Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:38.73472801Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:38.740430625Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:38.740686023Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:38.743411986Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:38.743928567Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:46.629890996Z ▲ Generating static pages (0/4) ... 2024-05-27T12:40:46.919461308Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:46.919509254Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:46.92179107Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:46.921817506Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:46.921823521Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - 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 2024-05-27T12:40:46.921861532Z ▲ [Server Config] using 1 of 1 api key - AIzaSyAirt5OvjZi7bR_Yj5mBh8E2EwVW-Mn8qE 2024-05-27T12:40:46.922524313Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata viewport is configured in metadata export in /_not-found. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:46.922539527Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:46.922544424Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata themeColor is configured in metadata export in /_not-found. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:46.922549111Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.0061961Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata viewport is configured in metadata export in /. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:47.006363065Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.006772251Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata themeColor is configured in metadata export in /. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:47.007086092Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.029942292Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata viewport is configured in metadata export in /. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:47.03023847Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.03082283Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata themeColor is configured in metadata export in /. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:47.031126995Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.048128059Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata viewport is configured in metadata export in /_not-found. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:47.048323006Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.048421323Z ▲ ⚠ Unsupported metadata themeColor is configured in metadata export in /_not-found. Please move it to viewport export instead. 2024-05-27T12:40:47.048900942Z ▲ Read more: 2024-05-27T12:40:47.155626843Z ▲ Generating static pages (1/4) 2024-05-27T12:40:47.279956457Z ▲ Generating static pages (2/4) 2024-05-27T12:40:47.280370148Z ▲ Generating static pages (3/4) 2024-05-27T12:40:47.677087608Z ▲ ✓ Generating static pages (4/4) 2024-05-27T12:40:48.046851399Z ▲ Finalizing page optimization ... 2024-05-27T12:40:48.047361002Z ▲ Collecting build traces ... 2024-05-27T12:41:08.674343594Z ▲
2024-05-27T12:41:08.676903137Z ▲ Route (app) Size First Load JS 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677047527Z ▲ ┌ ○ / 111 kB 196 kB 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677158265Z ▲ ├ ○ /_not-found 894 B 86.8 kB 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677270869Z ▲ ├ ℇ /api/anthropic/[...path] 0 B 0 B 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677417586Z ▲ ├ ℇ /api/config 0 B 0 B 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677477995Z ▲ ├ ℇ /api/google/[...path] 0 B 0 B 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677619097Z ▲ ├ ℇ /api/openai/[...path] 0 B 0 B 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677725242Z ▲ ├ ℇ /api/upstash/[action]/[...key] 0 B 0 B 2024-05-27T12:41:08.677840462Z ▲ └ ℇ /api/webdav/[...path] 0 B 0 B 2024-05-27T12:41:08.678097765Z ▲ + First Load JS shared by all 85.9 kB 2024-05-27T12:41:08.678118336Z ▲ ├ chunks/8069-86a6f6a0586c0b28.js 29.2 kB 2024-05-27T12:41:08.678293964Z ▲ ├ chunks/fd9d1056-fdfda9478f9bc4a3.js 53.4 kB 2024-05-27T12:41:08.678492784Z ▲ └ other shared chunks (total) 3.33 kB 2024-05-27T12:41:08.678510303Z ▲ ○ (Static) prerendered as static content 2024-05-27T12:41:08.678682051Z ▲ ℇ (Edge Runtime) server-rendered on demand using the Edge Runtime 2024-05-27T12:41:09.926736905Z ▲ Traced Next.js server files in: 1.053s 2024-05-27T12:41:17.147131857Z ▲ Created all serverless functions in: 7.220s 2024-05-27T12:41:17.391677268Z ▲ Collected static files (public/, static/, .next/static): 8.676ms 2024-05-27T12:41:17.517142167Z ▲ Build Completed in .vercel/output [2m] 2024-05-27T12:41:17.593211639Z ▲ Done in 130.91s. 2024-05-27T12:41:17.606628487Z ⚡️ Completed yarn vercel build. 2024-05-27T12:41:20.325665896Z
2024-05-27T12:41:20.325780919Z ⚡️ ERROR: Failed to produce a Cloudflare Pages build from the project. 2024-05-27T12:41:20.325929826Z ⚡️ 2024-05-27T12:41:20.326095551Z ⚡️ The following routes were not configured to run with the Edge Runtime: 2024-05-27T12:41:20.326105522Z ⚡️ - /_not-found 2024-05-27T12:41:20.326287971Z ⚡️ 2024-05-27T12:41:20.326413286Z ⚡️ Please make sure that all your non-static routes export the following edge runtime route segment config: 2024-05-27T12:41:20.326648602Z ⚡️ export const runtime = 'edge'; 2024-05-27T12:41:20.327047018Z ⚡️ 2024-05-27T12:41:20.327158936Z ⚡️ You can read more about the Edge Runtime on the Next.js documentation: 2024-05-27T12:41:20.327292223Z ⚡️ 2024-05-27T12:41:20.327358374Z
2024-05-27T12:41:20.363212225Z Failed: Error while executing user command. Exited with error code: 1 2024-05-27T12:41:20.371144495Z Failed: build command exited with code: 1 2024-05-27T12:41:21.375438Z Failed: error occurred while running build command

Issues-translate-bot commented 1 month ago

Bot detected the issue body's language is not English, translate it automatically.

Title: [Bug] Cloudflare deployment error

xzygreen commented 1 month ago

is someone here,i need help