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Entraid integration #4895

Closed anujsingharvato closed 3 days ago

anujsingharvato commented 3 days ago

Added EntraID integration

Summary by CodeRabbit

vercel[bot] commented 3 days ago

@anujsingharvato is attempting to deploy a commit to the NextChat Team on Vercel.

A member of the Team first needs to authorize it.

coderabbitai[bot] commented 3 days ago


The updates include comprehensive enhancements ranging from configuration to frontend and backend code adjustments. A .devcontainer setup introduces customizations for a seamless developer experience. Major developments include the shift of the README to reflect branding as "Avvia Intelligence," integration with Azure APIs, and extensive adjustments to environment variables in various configurations. UI elements have received stylistic changes and added functionality, while deployment and containerization improvements aim to streamline the workflow.


File(s) Change Summary
.devcontainer/.zshrc, .devcontainer/* Introduced Zsh shell environment configurations, and setup scripts for dev container setup.
.env.template Added support for OpenAI and Azure API keys, Okta authentication configurations.
.eslintrc.json, .eslintignore Updated plugins array indentation and added file to ignore list.
.github/workflows/app.yml Removed build-tauri job section.
.gitignore Revamped ignore entries for specific files/directories.
.pre-commit-config.yaml, .secrets.baseline Added pre-commit hook configurations for secrets.
.vscode/launch.json Configurations for debugging with VS Code.
.vscode/settings.json VS Code editor settings updates.
Dockerfile Enhanced Dockerfile with new environment variables, user permissions, and build commands. Updated to reflect "Avvia Intelligence" rebranding, simplified documentation.
app/api/* Updated server-side API configurations and error handling.
app/client/platforms/openai.ts, app/client/api.ts Adjusted API request payloads and configurations.
app/components/* Modified UI elements, removed outdated components, and updated styling.
app/config/client.ts, app/config/server.ts Enhanced configuration object building, added Azure-related configurations.
app/config/build.ts Directly assigned version number, removed unnecessary imports.
app/constant.ts Updated constants for ownership, repo, and requests.

Sequence Diagram(s)

  participant Developer
  participant DevContainer
  participant VSCode
  Developer ->> DevContainer: Open Project
  DevContainer ->> VSCode: Configure Environment
  Developer ->> DevContainer: Run
  DevContainer ->> Git: Configure pre-commit hooks, NPM packages
  Git -->> DevContainer: Post-create setup complete
  Developer ->> VSCode: Debug Next.js App
  VSCode ->> Azure: Setup APIs with .env variables
  Azure -->> VSCode: APIs Ready
  Developer ->> VSCode: Run Application
  VSCode ->> App: Launch Application with new configurations
  App -->> Developer: Application Running with Updated Data


🐇 Upon the code of dawn we tread,

With azure skies and VScode red,

A dev container finely spun,

To aid our journey under sun.

From Zsh to Dockerfile, we sing,

In AI's name, let progress spring. 🚀✨

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github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

Your build has completed!

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