ChatSecure / ChatSecure-iOS

ChatSecure is a free and open source encrypted chat client for iOS that supports OTR and OMEMO encryption over XMPP.
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ChatSecure crashes constanly on latest iOS, iPhone 8 #1232

Open derzahla opened 3 years ago

derzahla commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to get back to basics. I want secure e2e encrypted communication between myself and a group of friends. With OMEMO turned on, ChatSecure crashes CONSTANTLY, after almost every other message. It frequently stops updating chats at all. If you think I am doing something wrong on the server let me know, but all the linux and OSX linux desktop clients seem to work ok. If it wasnt for the fact that I require an iPhone for work I'd be fine. Conversations for android works well. What is the problem??

chrisballinger commented 3 years ago

Are you able to retrieve crash logs from your device? If you have opted-out of sharing analytics with Apple and 3rd party developers at the OS level, you will need to manually get the log from your device. We don't bundle any analytics or crash reporting with the app, for obvious reasons, but it significantly limits visibility into issues like these.

Please follow the instructions under "Locate Crash Reports and Memory Logs on the Device" here:


FediVideos commented 3 years ago

I am having the same problem, crashes every few minutes on iOS 14.4

(Another problem, images no longer being visible within conversations, seemed to happen at the same time, though I don't know if they are related.)

I have a crash log, what's the best way of getting it to you?

loverboy365 commented 3 years ago

Who know a jabber or xmpp public server I can use to create a new ChatSecure account none of the ones I have tried worked

clukawski commented 3 years ago

I'm also having this issue, as well as the issue with images being no longer visible within conversations. These also happened at around the same time to me. I don't use the app too much but recall photos working before. I've attached my crash log. ChatSecure-2021-03-05-172344.txt

pd888 commented 3 years ago

Just to add to this I have done some further testing.

On iOS 13 ChatSecure (5.0.3) works fine. Images appear correctly and the app does not crash at all. On iOS 14 (I have tested 14.4 and up to 14.5.1) the app crashes and images do not appear as described by the OP and FediVideos above.

Casuallynoted commented 3 years ago

Having a similar experience, the app continually crashes while typing messages on iOS 14.

kornate commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. Only thing temping me from carrying an Android around too...