ChatTheatre / gables_game

The Gables as a separate app using DGD manifests, to use SkotOS as external libraries
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Issue with setup #2

Closed blackbeard718 closed 2 years ago

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Hello! I'm very new to this and that's probably not the best place to start, but I've played Castle Marrach for about 10 years consistently and am currently a StoryBuilder for game. I got the inkling to try and set up a game I had an idea for and found my way here. I've gotten most of it set up correctly (I think) and am hung up on the following error I keep getting:

`Failed authorization procedure. (http-01): urn:ietf:params:acme:error:dns :: DNS problem: NXDOMAIN looking up A for - check that a DNS record exists for this domain IMPORTANT NOTES:

I'm running into an issue with correctly setting up the DNS and not sure exactly what I'm supposed to be inputting and where. I own the domain name "" but not entirely sure what to do with it from there. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

This looks like you'll need to set up a DNS entry for Did you try to do that and it didn't work, or do you need help with how to do it? You'll want to get the numeric IP address for your new server, for starters - that's going to be the IP for the new DNS entry.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

Also, how are you hosting it? Linode, existing server or something else?

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

I think I tried set up the DNS entry, but may have done it incorrectly. I've tried several different variations to get it to work prior to submitting an issue, so I've lost track on what I've done lol. I've never set up DNS entries, let alone on Linode, so I'm sure I'm just doing something in the wrong spot, so was hoping for a little more guidance on that particular step.

I am hosting on Linode currently and pulled the Gables StackScript to set it up with.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

As of now, I've deleted everything in order to start from scratch with a new Linode build. Only step taken is adding the gables StackScript.

ChristopherA commented 2 years ago


I’d also suggest you talk and maybe schedule a walk-through with Sarah Tackett @saraht45 — we would love to get more storybuilders involved as it helps for the long-term stability of our games to spread the knowledge!

— Christopher Allen

saraht45 commented 2 years ago

Hi there.. Happy to help if I can. I believe I received that error during my initial setup and was definitely related to DNS issues. I can send you a screenshot of my DNS settings if you think that will help.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Hi there.. Happy to help if I can. I believe I received that error during my initial setup and was definitely related to DNS issues. I can send you a screenshot of my DNS settings if you think that will help.

@saraht45 - I think that would help tremendously. If I can just see the area I should be working in, I think I can get back on track.

@ChristopherA - Once Sarah helps me figure things out, I would be happy to pass along what I know to other staffers who might show interest in it so we all have a better understanding of the Engine and game from the ground up.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

Sounds like at a minimum we should add screenshots of setting up DNS on Linode to our setup guide.

saraht45 commented 2 years ago

Here is the screenshot of my settings. Hopefully it helps.


blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

That does help. Follow-up question based on those settings. At least for Linode, when setting up based on the Gables StackScript, do I need to include "game." like in the example? Or should it just be, if that's my domain name?

Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 5 30 16 PM

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

You don't need "game" for that one, but you need both "gables" (the game client) and "gables-login" (the login server.)

(Edited, much later: I misunderstood. No "game." in the box, no. And what I wrote above was for DNS entries to set up, which is a different question.)

saraht45 commented 2 years ago

I believe you just need to put in that box.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Great! And for setting up the DNS records (again, specific to Linode) is this the right area and what I should be inputting for "gables"? Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 7 48 17 PM

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

Look like, yeah.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I'm still encountering the same error. I've got them plugged in here, but the interesting thing is that it removes the subdomain when I select "create" Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 8 59 49 PM .

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

That looks reasonable, assuming the IP address is right. I'm not able to connect to that URL, though - Chrome is acting as though there's no DNS entry for it :-/

I'm assuming that you've registered Linode's DNS servers with your domain registrar as the ones you're using?

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

If I'm being honest, I doubt I've done that, since I'm not entirely sure what all that entails. Do you mean like this? Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 10 37 06 AM

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

I got passed that step!

Issue was I was working in the "Domains" section in Linode, not my domain registrar.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

The thing was the one I meant, yeah. If thought you weren't using the Linode nameservers then it wouldn't matter what you told Linode to put in them :-)

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

Can you edit the Linode entries and make sure that when you edit them, they only say "gables" and "gables-login", not "" and ""? That's what they should say. The Linode table you screenshotted above looks good, but obviously there's no DNS entry happening :-(

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

So for clarification's sake:

I need to register entries with my domain registrar as pictured belowimage

Do I also need to add those entries to the domain section on Linode?

Lastly, do I then need to add the name servers from linode onto my domain registrar as well?

I was able to access (went with a different domain) and actually log in and mess around a bit. Just want to make sure I'm doing it all correctly

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

There are two approaches, both of which can work:


It's just weird that you tried option one and it didn't seem to work :-/ Normally you'll want to create a Linode and then immediately register the name, which allows you to do everything in one go -- start up the game, set up LetsEncrypt for HTTPS, etc. It's also possible to update an existing server, but that can be more complicated.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

From how you described it, it sounds like I did it out of order. I'll give the first method another go in the correct order since I at least know what method two looks like if I need to fall back on it.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

The order shouldn't matter for the first way, but you do have to wait a bit (between an hour and about a day) for DNS entries to change. You'll probably also want to clear your local DNS cache so that you're seeing the same thing other people would.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Okay, I gave it about 20 hours and just tried again. It seemed to run through the setup process correctly. Now upon navigating to, I'm getting a "Privacy Error" on my browser. Is there a way to fix this:

This server could not prove that it is; its security certificate is from This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.

saraht45 commented 2 years ago

I'm getting a "Site cannot be reached" error when trying to navigate to

I'm going to run through the setup again on my server to refresh my memory on the process. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow, and I will screen shot what my settings are in Linode,, and stackscript. We will get this sorted out :) If a voice call or text is an easier way to communicate to get through troubleshooting, let me know. Happy to do either.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

I appreciate it! I'm sure I'm just missing some minor step in the process, so I'll take my mind off of it until you're able to post again. Please don't rush on my account!

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

For starters, the setup scripts are only going to put certs in place for the domain you gave (, yes?) and not any others (like Basically there will only be correct SSL certs for, and Anything else you want, you'll have to set up for yourself. Definitely possible to add more, but the StackScript only knows the one you told it.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Initially I went with, but opted to go with the domain a few days later. I started the linode process from scratch after making that change and was still running into the errors.

One question I probably should have asked earlier, do I have to change anything within the actual StackScript? I was under the impression that it would be a plug and play situation when inputting that for the linode server, but I'm probably mistaken.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

You shouldn't normally need to change the StackScript, just provide it different parameters. You may need/want to change something if you want something it doesn't do (e.g. more subdomains than the SkotOS ones.)

saraht45 commented 2 years ago

No changes need to be made to the stackscript.

I rebuilt my server using the stackscript and these are my settings:

linode stackscript settings 1 linode stackscript settings 2

It took about 10-15 minutes for the rebuild and game initialization to complete. Once finished, I could login with the url

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

Giving it another shot based on the above, I noticed my initial settings are different than the above settings. Could that be anything that's causing a problem?

Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 7 33 43 PM

saraht45 commented 2 years ago

I wonder if the StackScript has changed. We should compare the one I have saved vs the one you are using.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

I'm using the one that comes from here if that helps.

noahgibbs commented 2 years ago

It looks like you're using latest -- should be great. If anything, it looks like Sarah may be using a slightly-outdated (but probably just fine) Gables StackScript, which still downloads the latest SkotOS StackScript when it runs.

blackbeard718 commented 2 years ago

I'm starting to feel like I may not be cut out for this as I'm hitting another wall:

Last login: Tue Oct 26 01:12:32 2021 from root@gables:~# tail -f game_standup.log Obtaining a new certificate An unexpected error occurred: There were too many requests of a given type :: Error creating new order :: too many certificates (5) already issued for this exact set of domains in the last 168 hours: see Please see the logfiles in /var/log/letsencrypt for more details.

I actually got this for the first time almost exactly a week ago, so I gave it some time and took a break to see if I could come back to it fresh, but I'm still getting this error. I'm not sure of the process to clear out the certificates, or if I need to wait until tomorrow so that a full week has passed, but if anyone is familiar with this, I'd appreciate some assistance so I can go back to my first set of problems lol.