Chatie / server

Cloud Management Service for Chatie
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

API server down at 2:50 pm - 3:15 pm, May 31, 2021 #64

Open huan opened 3 years ago

huan commented 3 years ago


chatie-api    | 06:51:43 INFO io-server status page concurrency: 4236
chatie-api    | 06:51:48 INFO IoManager ? register() token online: python-wechaty-xxx
chatie-api    | 06:52:12 INFO IoManager deregister() token offline: python-wechaty-xxx
chatie-api    | Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
chatie-api    |     at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1144:16)
chatie-api    | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE
chatie-api    | npm ERR! errno 1
chatie-api    | npm ERR! @chatie/server@0.6.5 start: `ts-node bin/server.ts`
chatie-api    | npm ERR! Exit status 1
chatie-api    | npm ERR!
chatie-api    | npm ERR! Failed at the @chatie/server@0.6.5 start script.
chatie-api    | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
chatie-api    |
chatie-api    | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
chatie-api    | npm ERR!     /bot/.npm/_logs/2021-05-31T06_52_15_704Z-debug.log
chatie-api    |
chatie-api    |  __        __        _           _
chatie-api    |  \ \      / /__  ___| |__   __ _| |_ _   _
chatie-api    |   \ \ /\ / / _ \/ __| '_ \ / _` | __| | | |
chatie-api    |    \ V  V /  __/ (__| | | | (_| | |_| |_| |
chatie-api    |     \_/\_/ \___|\___|_| |_|\__,_|\__|\__, |
chatie-api    |                                      |___/
chatie-api    | ____________________________________________________
chatie-api    |   
chatie-api    |   _____      _ _     _
chatie-api    |  | ____|_  _(_) |_  / |
chatie-api    |  |  _| \ \/ / | __| | |
chatie-api    |  | |___ >  <| | |_  | |
chatie-api    |  |_____/_/\_\_|\__| |_|
chatie-api    |
chatie-api exited with code 1

Problem solved after restarted the node server, and the Nginx proxy container.


When starting the node server, the Node & Nginx will eat all the CPU for a few minutes, for accepting the 4k+ WebSocket connections to be initialized.

After all connections have been established, the CPU usage is around 15% (Nginx) and 20% (Node.js).

huan commented 3 years ago

Crashed again on 4:00 pm

The same error message:

chatie-api    | Error: connect ETIMEDOUT